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Salesian Brothers and Salesian Priests

By Fr. Gerry Martin, SDB
Secretary to the Paranaque Curatorium

Paranaque, the Philippines, 25 August 2016 -- With the participation of 8 Provincials (FIN, FIS, GIA, KOR, ITM, MYM, THA and VIE) and two Superiors of the Delegations (ITM-Indonesia and THA-Cambodia) was held an annual meeting of the two formation communities of Paranaque (FIN) - Metro Manila on August 25, 2016.

At present there are 13 Salesian Brothers from 5 provinces of South Asia and EAO in their specific formation stage in the Blessed Sandor Community journeying with 4 formators (2 Brothers and 2 Priests) and 51 Theology students or English language students - candidates to the priesthood in the Seminaryo ng Don Bosco Community from the two Regions (South Asia and EAO) coming from 9 provinces (FIN, FIS, GIA, ITM, LKC (Sri Lanka), KOR, MYM, THA and VIE).

The Don Bosco Center of Studies (DBCS) affiliated to the UPS (Rome) has at present 131 students enrolled into Bachelor of Theology courses.

Together with the three Rectors (Rinaldi - Formators and professors, Sandor - Salesian Brothers and SnDB - Specific formation for Salesian priest) and Don Bosco Center of Studies President, the Provincials and EAO regional councilor have received reports about the formation situation. This year two themes were deepen in fraternal sharing with the formators: How to move from multicultural & international dynamics towards the intercultural dynamics of formation and How to face the Virus of clericalism in our Life and Mission.

The one day event started with the Eucharist presided by Fr. Klement, and continued until 4:30 PM in the Board Room of the Benedict XVI Library of the DBCS with the Assistance of hosting province FIN and the Curatorium secretary Fr. Gerry Martin (FIN). Lunch was held in the Rinaldi community, where also the young Salesians in formation offered their perfect Italian song as a token of gratitude to their Superiors and Formators.

Besides the ordinary formation and financial issues, the Curatorium also faced the long term strategies of fostering more responsibility for the preparation of future teaching personnel and looking for possible specific structure of Blessed Sandor community for Salesian Brothers. The vast majority of the EAO provinces (with 8 new comers from Myanmar and two from Japan) are pointing at Paranaque as their main venue of the last stage for initial formation. Main advantage of intercultural Salesian family spirit with huge opportunities of sharing needs to be further developed with contribution of all concerned provinces.

Satisfied and future looking EAO provincials held at the end of the meeting also on their immediate future - checking the preparation for EAO events like East Timor - Regional Congress of Don Bosco Past Pupils, Salesian Family Delegates formation coming soon. The last point was the sharing of 2017 EAO Regional calendar including the 2017 Team Visit in Hua Hin, Thailand.

Next Curatorium meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2017.

Related materials: Formation of Salesian Brothers and Priests











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