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Moving out of comfort zone towards the poor young people 

and Looking towards the Centenary of Salesian presence 2026

By Our Own Correspondent

Tokyo, Japan, 10 October -- 2016 Japan provincial community day was chosen as the official conclusion of the whole extraordinary visitation. More than 40 confreres gathered in the Tokyo - Chofu Salesian house for this occasion. During the final provincial council meeting (October 7) followed by the Rectors meeting (October 8) the Visitor offer us wide and deep picture of our provincial community according the discernment method of General Chapter 27: Listen – Interpret – Way forward.

Very dynamic and joyful celebrations of Provincial community day brought together many items of music, songs, magic as well community animation. As every year the anniversary of religious profession (50 and 25) and priestly ordination (60, 50 and 25) of ten confreres was occasion for sharing vocation story and give thanks for their fidelity.

Fr. Klement appreciated an opportunity of rich interaction not only with all confreres and our communities, but with a variety of our mission partners, Salesian family groups and the youth. Thanks to many interpreters it was a deep time of listening. However a big progress was noticed - even some Aspirants and Novices were now able to have a personal talk directly in English!

Within the context of Japan, where the Catholics number about 0.4% of the total population, we are reaching daily to 5000+ children and youth in our kindergartens and schools (majority non-Christians) and weekly to some 5000+ Catholics in our parishes (majority not-so-young). Also the Salesian family with its 8 groups is an important model in the multi-cultural Church of Japan with about 100.000 Alumni, three religious Congregations and its missionary spirit.

Main concern of the Japan province is the fast diminishing of consecrated Salesians (50 confreres less in past 20 years). During past two months we deepen with the visitor the three-fold dynamics about: (1) foster vocation culture with growing number of adult aspirants; (2) welcome with an open heart new missionaries especially from the EAO region and (3) involve and form together more lay mission partners in youth ministry. Especially the Don Bosco Alumni and Salesian Cooperators are our main possible resource. Now there are 3 SDB senior aspirants and more than 20 Salesian Cooperators aspirants and started already systematic Salesian formation of our school teachers (joint SDB-FMA).

In each of the 24 presences Fr. Klement asked our mission partners to help us to get closer to the poor young people – main focus of the 6 year plan of Japan Province. First concrete steps is the welcoming of NPOs (non-profit-organization) working for the out-of-school youth and hosting them in our works (Tokyo), fostering volunteer activity in each community and learning from other Catholic experiences.

During the visitation conclusion Eucharist in Tokyo – Chofu the provincial Fr. Mario Yamanouchi received a simple apron as symbol of service to the poor youth and each community does treasure the biblical icon of GC27 as invitation for daily journey to belong more to God, more to the fellow Salesians and more to the young people. The occasion of 2016 visitation helped the province to get closer in communion and dynamics of the worldwide Salesian community.












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