Praying at the Salesian Cemeteries in EAO
EAO, 6 November 2016 -- November is the months of prayers for our departed family members and for the Salesians a months of praying for All Souls (November 2), for the deceased benefactors and members of Salesian Family (November 5) and for the parents of Salesian confreres (November 25) on the memorial of Mamma Margaret.
Although in some provinces of our Region there is still a very young average age and few confreres rest in the Salesian cemetery, it's nice to notice the prayers in the Dili cemetery (Timor Leste, ITM), in the Kwangju-Dam Yang Catholic cemetery (Korea, KOR), Anisakan Cemetery (Myanmar), Cau Bong - Saigon (Vietnam, VIE) or in Port Moresby Salesian Family Cemetery in East Boroko, Emmaus (Papua New Guinea, PGS).
"The memory of departed confreres unites, “in a love that will not pass away”, those who are still pilgrims with those who are already resting in Christ. (Constitutions art. 54)
Also the wonderful custom to remember in daily prayers the deceased confreres through the reading of the Salesian Necrology is a daily habit in good number of EAO provinces.
Timor Leste, Dili

South Korea, Kwangju
Myanmar, Anisakan

PNG, Port Moresby - East Boroko

Vietnam, Saigon-Cau Bong