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Mary Help of Christians House of Spirituality

By Fr. Gerry Martin, SDB

Batulao, the Philippines, 13 November 2016 -- Today is the conclusion of our four day joint meeting of the EAO Youth Ministry Delegates and Regional Formation Commission which started on November 10. We are 46 confreres composed of the delegates of the sectors for each province, two provincials (FIN and CIN), Fr. Fabio Attard and Fr. Patrick Anthonyraj Alexander of the Youth Ministry Department and Fr. Ivo Coelho and Fr. Silvio Roggia of the Formation Depatment, Fr. Klement Vaclav the Regional, and other confreres who are involved in youth ministry and formation. There were joint meetings between the two sectors to listen, share and resolve on points of collaboration; and also separate sessions for the sectors to focus and address their specific concerns.

What the confreres repeatedly experience during these days was listening to each other’s stories of initiatives and challenges, even difficulties and limitations as youth ministers and formators. Listening still during light moments of meals and recreation, and enjoying each other’s company in the nightly socials and in the Saturday afternoon sports recreation activities. Listening to the Spirit in our prayer and Eucharist.

A common by word is “process”. Yes indeed, it was a process of embracing more and more that youth ministry and formation are not just two sectors of our work that go hand in hand, but rather, they are “two sides of the same coin” that is, the young people who we are journeying with. That means, impromptu collaboration is not anymore an option, but instead a systematic approach. 

Another important matter that permeated the meeting was the deep understanding of our Salesian identity and vocation that makes us appreciate the two forms of Salesian vocation: the brother and the priest. These two forms of vocation cannot be understood and lived in isolation but only in communion. 

The same can be said much about youth ministry and formation, isn’t it? As a fruit of the joint meeting, the two sectors arrived at some strategic directions for the youth ministry and formation commissions of each province of the Region to go forward. First among these is the formal collaboration of the two sectors; ensuring the systematic study and understanding of the Youth Ministry Frame of Reference both in initial and ongoing formation; working together in designing a comprehensive pastoral formation program; forming formators in spiritual and pastoral accompaniment; and promoting knowledge and implementation of the document on the ‘Aspirantate Experience’. Our biggest thanks to Bro. Raymond Callo (FIN) and Fr. Martin Macasaet (FIN), the EAO Region coordinators for Formation and Youth Ministry, respectively, for organizing the joint meeting. Everybody is happy!











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