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By Fr. Ambrose Pereira , SDB

Port Moresby, PNG, 9 November 2016 -- The Assembly of Confreres of the Vice-province of Blessed Rinaldi (PGS), that brought together 21 confreres from Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, concluded with a thanksgiving mass on 9th November, 2016. Fr. Peter Baquero sdb celebrated the Eucharist thanking the Lord for the intense moments of prayer, personal reflection and shared fraternity during the days of the assembly. Fr. Louie Castañeda, during the homily, dwelt on the need to be attached to the wine to bear fruit. “We need to be witness and give good example rather than give in to temptations”, he said. The confreres were delighted to have Bishop Patrick Buzon sdb, join in the celebration. Earlier, as he celebrated the Eucharist he stressed that the priesthood is a call to serve rather than be served.

The Assembly of Confreres is an important time of prayer, reflection and sharing. Decisions will serve as a guide in all the houses of the vice-province for the next three years. The assembly commenced on the 4th November and every day during the moment of prayer a specially composed ‘Hymn to Don Rinaldi’, by Fr. Angel was screened. Every confrere implored this spiritual master and patron to guide us in our work for the salvation of souls.

The Implementation of GC27, Over-all Provincial Plan, SEPP-Situation Analysis and Reshaping of Salesian presences were discussed in groups. These were then presented to the entire assembly and voted upon. Discussing the situation analysis and reflecting on it, necessitated a deviation from the planned program outline. Thus the presentation and discussion of the Provincial Directory will now be done at the Rector’s meeting in February, 2017.

Discussions were passionate and intense on several topics. Stability of confreres, vocations and a formation plan, a planning mentality that has the approval of local and provincial council, sustainability of houses and the need to take radical decisions to set the vice-province on firm foundations were constantly expressed. Buzz words such as: ‘ad experimentum’, ‘unnecessary’, ‘planning mentality’ were constantly mentioned during the sessions, group discussions and personal interactions. “These sincere expressions of confreres express a reality and a concern, a contribution and an involvement for the radical growth and direction of the new vice-province”, said Fr. Peter Baquero as he commented on the proceedings of the assembly.

As the proceedings drew to a close, Fr. Peter thanked the moderator Fr. Angel, and his team - Fr. Ariel and Fr. Pedro for the work put in to organize and prepare for a well-executed assembly.

Several confreres shared on their positive experience during the days of the Assembly. Here are a few comments:

  • “It has been a great time to come together to pray, reflect, share and enjoy the company of each other, while we work together to come up with a document for our common mission” – Fr. Pankaj Xalxo sdb, Rector Savio Haus.

  • “I have been enriched by the sharing in terms of ideas and experiences in our two countries of PNG and SI” – Fr. Isidore Maramun, Araimiri.

  • “The obvious disagreement of confreres is a deep manifestation that although we are coming from various cultures and countries, our mission for the young in the vice-province is very much alive” – Fr. Albert Lenon sdb, Rector, Tetere.

  • “As Provincial delegate for Formation my burning passion is to help in developing a relevant Formation Plan, which includes plans for the Aspirantate, Initial Formation and On-Going Formation” – Fr. Ariel Macatangay, Savio Haus.

  • “It was nice to spend time with our confreres and listen to their voices. It was the manifestation of our love for God and of the young. This leads to pastoral charity. Thanks for clear expressions and radical decisions” – Fr. Srimal Priyanga sdb, Henderson

  • “It has been an experience of communion, fraternity, mutual listening and sincere discernment. Moreover, the assembly presented a very colorful picture, made up of confreres coming from different countries and backgrounds, diversity of perspectives, seen in the lively, intense and engaging discussions” – Fr. Pedro Sachitula sdb, Savio Haus.

  • “The assembly of confreres was an enriching experience for me, a newly professed Salesian. I was struck by the unity, understanding and cooperation of the members. Despite the strong arguments, there was peace and harmony. We draw our strength from the ‘vine’ and we put into practice all that has been shared and discussed for the good of the Vice-province” - Bernard Kaiau, Savio Haus

After the celebration meal, the confreres have returned to their houses, inspired and committed to put into practice what is discussed and be of greater service to the young.









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