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By Fr. Ambrose Pereira, SDB

Port Moresby, PNG, 6 November 2016 -- The vice-province of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PGS) began its Assembly of Confreres on 4th November and will conclude on the 9th November. Present are 21 Salesians from the two countries. These include three that are part of the secretariat.

The assembly commenced with, ‘A Hymn to Don Rinaldi’ composed by Fr. Angel Sanchez, Moderator, honouring the patron of the vice-province. “The heavy responsibility that we have as a vice-province, during these days, is for us to set strong foundations and steer our vice-province in the right direction”, said Fr. Peter Baquero sdb, as he addressed the confreres at the opening session. The documents to be discussed are: Implementation of GC27, Over-all Provincial Plan, Situation Analysis and the Provincial Directory. The ID card and documents were then handed out. They have been collated and put together by Fr. Angel, Fr. Ariel Macatangay sdb and Fr. Pedro Sachitula sdb.

At the Eucharistic celebration the next morning, Fr. Albert Lenon sdb Rector of Don Bosco, Tetere, prayed for the intentions of the Provincial, the Assembly and the conferees, our institutions and our lay mission partners in the various settings. The Eucharist gave us the opportunity to reflect on our life of service. At the homily, reiterating the words of the Rector Major, “Where is your heart”, Fr. Provincial challenged each confrere to personally reflect on our attachments to money, power and authority.

The Report on the vice-province presented on the 5th November gives an overall picture of the life, ministry, situations and challenges of the Salesians in the two counties. 35 confreres are working in the two countries in nine canonically erected houses. The confreres hail from 14 countries. While it brings diversity, it also brings with it intercultural dynamics that could weaken our unity. Among other realities, the report underscored our need for a planning mentality and participative decision-making, working for vocations and the need to form lay collaborators with whom we collaborate in enhancing the lives of the young.

The discussion of the documents took place in four groups. Each group was given ample time to reflect, discuss, share and comment on the Lines of Action. Frank and open sharing has been the hallmark of the assembly thus far.

In the evening the new Provincial house was blessed by the Archbishop of Port Moresby John Cardinal-elect Ribat msc. He prayed that the spirit of peace rest on all who dwell in the house and that it spread to all they encounter. The new provincial house has several rooms and offices for the different commissions of the vice-province.

Apostolic Nuncio to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PNGSI), Archbishop Kurian Mathew Vayalunkal and Bishop of Bougainville, Bernard Unabali were special guests, who together with the Salesian confreres members of the Salesian family, Mr Vincent and the different contractors thanked the Lord for the completion of the new building. Br Jess Garcia sdb, thanked Fr. Valeriano Barbero sdb for the work of initiating the project. Internationally renowned artist Jeffrey Feefer was commissioned to paint the arrival of the first Salesians in Papua New Guinea. This has been hung in the foyer. Present also are panels and several carvings depicting the life, traditions and activities of the two countries.

The evening concluded with a delicious pizza for all the guests. Outgoing Treasurer, Br Jess Garcia sdb, was thanked for his years of service and wished all success as he goes for his holiday and then takes up his new post at the Salesian General house in Rome.



















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  • Sr. Sarah Garcia FMA 2016.11.06 17:35

    Congratulations Fr. Peter & brother Salesians for the beautiful journey you are weaving together. Praying for your new vice province. God is with you. Sr. Sarah Garcia FMA

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