4792(I)_Manga “CORAGGIO!! – Don Bosco’s Dream that continues”
Published in Korean language By Fr. John Bosco Lee Seoul, Korea, 16 July 2018 -- Three years after the launching of Don Bosco Manga "Coraggio - Don Bosco Dream does continue!" by the Japan Province (Don Bosco Editorial - DB Sha) in Tokyo, i...Date2018.07.20 CategoryKOR Reply0 Views5769 -
4791_Salesian Brothers in front of the video cameras
50 Video-interviews coming soon By Our Own Correspondent EAO, 18 July 2018 -- 2018 EAO Salesian Brother Congress is coming soon very fast, from today on only 22 days ahead of us. One of the expected fruits of EAO Congress is the visibility ...Date2018.07.19 CategoryEAO Reply0 Views2902 -
4790(II)_Inspiring SYM group - Zatti Friend's of Cebu
Zatti Friends after 5 years, SYM growth in Philippines South province By Fr. Joriz Calsa, SDB FIS Youth Ministry Delegate Cebu, the Philippines, 18 July 2018 -- We have started in Cebu - Lourdes parish last 2013, when we saw that the young ...Date2018.07.18 CategoryFIS Reply0 Views2431 -
4790(I)_A special celebration of faith - Way to Heaven
Funeral Eucharist of Mr. Pier Luigi Martoglio, father of Fr. Stefano Martoglio, SDB By Our Own Correspondent Cumiana, Italy, 16 July 2018 -- Last July 14th passed away the "Gigi" (Pier Luigi Martoglio) a father of Fr. Stefano Martoglio, Gen...Date2018.07.18 CategoryWorld Reply0 Views1385 -
4789(III)_North of Thailand (Chiang Rai) in the Spotlight around the world
Two special events: Football team rescue and new diocese in Chiang Rai By Our Own Correspondent Chiang Rai, Thailand, 15 July 2018 -- During past three weeks the North of Thailand, precisely the rescue operation near Chiang Rai (Mae Sai dis...Date2018.07.16 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views2162 -
4789(II)_One important water project in Mindanao
Salesian Missions, New Rochelle By Fr. Mark Hyde, SDB Mindanao, the Philippines, 15 July 2018 -- Poor youth and their families attending the Mary Help of Christians parish, located in Mindanao, Philippines, have access to clean, safe water ...Date2018.07.16 CategoryFIS Reply0 Views2313 -
4789(I)_First provincial of the INA Viceprovince arrived to Jakarta
The start of the new Viceprovince of Indonesia is coming soon By Our Own Correspondent Jakarta, Indonesia, 11 July 2018 -- Finally Fr Andrew Wong, the Provincial-elect of the new Vice-province of St. Louis Versiglia (INA - Indonesia) commun...Date2018.07.16 CategoryINA Reply1 Views2114 -
4788(II)_"Without God's help I can't do anything"
The Installation of the 14th Japan Province Superior, Fr. Jacob Hamaguchi By Mr. Chihiro Okawa, EXDB Tokyo, Japan, 14 July 2018 -- The installation of the 14th Superior of the Japan Province,Fr. Jacob Hideaki Hamaguchi, SDB, took place duri...Date2018.07.15 CategoryGIA Reply2 Views6759 -
4788(I)_Welcome Home - Welcome to the Philippines!
Two new-old missionaries finally arrived to their new provinces By Our Own Correspondent Manila-Cebu, the Philippines, 13 July 2018 -- Two 'new-old' missionaries arrived to their new provinces - one to Manila and the other to Cebu during la...Date2018.07.15 CategoryFIN Reply0 Views2052 -
4787(III)_Holiness for you, too!
Strenna 2019: presentation of the theme By Our Own Correspondent RMG, 13 July 2018 -- "So that my joy may be in you" (John 15: 11). As every year since 2014, the Rector Major shared in the beginning of July the Presentation of his Strenna f...Date2018.07.14 CategoryRMG Reply0 Views2882