PGS Viceprovince grows along the Road Map 2017-2023
Port Moresby, PNG, 4 August 2018 -- One of the numerically smallest Salesians circumscriptions, the Viceprovince of Blessed Philip Rinaldi of PNG and Solomon Islands (PGS) is slowly but clearly growing according the Road Map received from the Rector Major. This is the main feeling shared during the Provincial Council meeting with Fr. Klement on his animation visit (Aug 3-7) in Papua New Guinea.
Under the leadership of the second PGS Superior, Fr. Alfred Maravilla and his Council the Road Map became truly the point of reference for the daily animation and government of the Viceprovince. Since the effective number of confreres in 10 communities is only 37 (including two postnovices in the Philippines-FIN) and 3 novices (FIS-Cebu), one of the main confreres is the vocation promotion, involvement and formation of lay people as well searching for temporary missionaries from various provinces (3-5 years agreement).
During a short Road Map evaulation in the provincial council meeting emerged many signs of positive growth as well few indications to concentrate on strategic points like formation of formators, improving the visibility of the PGS within the world wide Congregation, qualification of confreres in key areas of Salesian life and mission or establishing effective structures of provincial animation and government.
One of the worthwhile initiatives is the offer of opportunity for 4 years study at the DBTI (Don Bosco Technical Institute) in Port Moresby to any other confrere from the EAO province without any condition, who could attend this IUS from any of the four communities located in the PNG capital of Port Moresby.
Last but not the least sign of communion within the Rector Major are also few familiar statues transferred last year in container from the previous General house to PNG: St. Joseph and St. Dominic Savio from the garden of 'La Pisana'. Especially the statue of St. Joseph became one of the most popular foto session spot for our youth and Catholics coming to the Shrine of MHC in East Boroko.