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Interview with Bro. Carlo Bacalla, SDB

By Our Own Correspondent

Vientiane, Laos, 2 August 2018 -- Don Bosco Vocation Training Center and Running for Charity: Brother Carlo originally from the FIS province (Philippines South) was for 13 years a missionary in Western Africa (AFW province) and now for past five years is a member of the first SDB community in Laos - Vientiane: Don Bosco Vocation Training Center (THA province).

What makes you joyful as Salesian Brother?

Two experiences make me happy: The thought that I am helping to make a better world by preparing these young people that come to our Training Center to become good and productive citizens of their country. The fact that I can spend my Sunday morning doing the thing that I love- the Spirituality of SPORTS! No duty to celebrate Sunday Masses!

What do you treasure most of your missionary life in the Africa or/ and in Laos?

In Africa, the experience of seeing so much poverty and misery but God was always there. The Adventure of living a life of fear and readiness to die. My 13 years in Africa have taught me the best lessons in life!

In Laos, the experience of having shared my life, gifts, and talents to the young people and friends. My passion for Running has brought me closer to the Lao people and to my Creator. I learned so much about the Lao people on the road with my running shoes on!

What did you learn from the youth of Laos?


What does sustain your Salesian vocation?

My prayer life and the belief that I am doing something good for humanity. I can connect and commune myself easily with the Divine when running in the trail surrounded by nature.

Human imperfections ABOUND in the communities I lived. Frustrations and disappointments in the apostolate are real. How I survived so far? I believe that the solid initial formation I received has kept me going until now. Sports have been a good outlet in difficult moments.

As first community member in a new mission country (=with no local vocation until now), what is your contribution to the vocation culture or promotion in Laos?

It’s the life of WITNESSING. The difficulty in expressing myself in the language of the ears is more understood through the language of the eyes, and more felt through the language of the heart that is sensitive to all the good things I do.

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