4827(II)_Life Skills Market
By Fr. Andrea Ekasit, SDB Hat yai, Thailand, 20 August 2018 -- Saengthong Vitthaya School provided Life Skills Market on 20 August 2018. This event encouraged students to practice useful skills in real life. It included 30 activities which ...Date2018.08.23 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views3091 -
4827(I)_We are Family!
Salesian Youth Day in Hong Kong By Cl. Anthony PUN, SDB Hong Kong, 12 August 2018 -- Taking the opportunity of the 5-day International Taize Meeting, an Salesian Youth Day was organized on 12 August 2018 at Aberdeen Technical School, Hong K...Date2018.08.23 CategoryCIN Reply0 Views3148 -
4826(III)_Gospel 'Bisu bisu' (Whispering)
Salesian Mission Day in East Timor 2018 By Fr. Apolinario Neto Dili, Timor Leste, 22 August 2018 -- The Salesian Mission Day is already a well established tradition on August 20, being a public holiday in East Timor. Chosen first some years...Date2018.08.22 CategoryTLS Reply1 Views2531 -
4826(II)_We are one Family of Don Bosco!
EAO Salesian Family delegates resolution 2018-2021 By Our Own Correspondent Anisakan, Myanmar, 21 August 2018 -- After 3 days (Aug 18-20) of hardwork and family interaction at Anisakan, Myanmar, the 30 participants of the EAO Salesian famil...Date2018.08.22 CategoryMYM Reply0 Views4210 -
4826(I)_Seven Salesians committed to love and to serve the Young for the whole life
Perpeptual Profession in Viet Nam By Gia Thi, SDB Xuan Hiep, Vietnam -- In the morning of August 15, 2018 together with the whole Church and the Salesian Province of Viet Nam happilly celebrated the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, and ...Date2018.08.22 CategoryVIE Reply0 Views2437 -
4825(II)_How to start the main groups of the Salesian family?
Fruitful exchange between SDB,FMA and Past pupils: EAO Salesian Family delegate formation - Day 2 By Our Own Correspondent Anisakan, Myanmar, 20 August 2018 -- Even on Sunday, August 19 the EAO Salesian Family delegates in Anisakan, Myanmar...Date2018.08.21 CategoryMYM Reply0 Views5053 -
4825(I)_Solomon Islands Salesian Family is born
First two Salesian Cooperators made promise in Solomon Islands By Fr. Srimal Priyanga, SDB Honiara, Solomon Islands -- Last Augus 5, 2018, first two Salesian Cooperators made their promise in the presence of Fr. Alfred Maravilla, PGS Vice-p...Date2018.08.21 CategoryASC Reply0 Views3068 -
4824(III)_Where are born our new Salesians?
53 Salesian novices around the EAO region By Our Own Corespondent EAO, 20 August 2018 -- Celebrating the 203rd Birthday of Don Bosco, last August 16, our prayer goes especially to the youngest generation of Don Bosco's for today youth - our...Date2018.08.20 CategoryEAO Reply0 Views1950 -
4824(II)_Harim Tok – Wokabaut Wantaim
Don Bosco Technological Institute Cultural Show By Catherine Nongkas PhD, Principal DBTI Photos: Karl David Valmonte and Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb Boroko, PNG, 18 August 2018 -- Don Bosco Technological Institute, Boroko (DBTI), staged its Cult...Date2018.08.20 CategoryPGS Reply0 Views2884 -
4824(I)_"Lord, give me this water!"
The 46th Nojiriko Bible Camp: Since 1972 nurturing the vocation culture in Japan By Fr. Daisuke Kitagawa, SDB Nojiriko, Japan, 17 August 2018 -- By the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus called the first Apostles. Lake Nojiriko (280km far i...Date2018.08.20 CategoryGIA Reply0 Views3417