4843_Vibrant Salesian community of Hua Hin Salesian school
At the heart of large educative - pastoral community of Hua Hin By Our Own Correspondent Hua Hin, Thailand, 6 September 2018 -- After seventy years from foundation of Salesian school in Hua Hin, thousands of Past Pupils spread the voice abo...Date2018.09.07 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views2808 -
4842(IV)_Formation is a matter of heart!
Synergy of two Regions - South Asia and EAO region By Our Own Correspondent Hua Hin, Thailand, 5 September 2018 -- Last day of the EAO and South Asia inter-regional seminar – workshop on Postnovitiate formation in Hua Hin, Thailand (Septemb...Date2018.09.06 CategoryEAO Reply0 Views1883 -
4842(III)_A model of Gospel life simplicity in Timor Leste
Fr. Dino Donaggio (1934-2018) - Welcome to the Salesian Garden! By TLS SC Dili, Timor Leste, 4 September 2018 -- When Fr. Dino Donaggio passed away in his native Italy (province of INE, Italy - Venezia) on September 3, 2018 - many Salesians...Date2018.09.06 CategoryTLS Reply2 Views2798 -
4842(II)_Remembering the 68th death anniversary of Mons. Gaetano Passoti
SIHM sisters welcome the Asian Salesians in their General house (Hua Hin) By Sr Maliwan Paramathawirote, SIHM Superior General, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Hua Hin, Thailand, 3 September 2018 -- Even 68 years after Mons. Gaetan...Date2018.09.06 Reply0 Views963 -
4842(I)_Life-long commitment to the technical education for the benefit of the poor youth
Brother Mario Bois receives 28th Ilga Award By Fr. Raphael Lee, SDB Seoul, Korea, 1 September 2018 -- In the Grace Hall of Mil-Al School (Seoul, ROK), together with other two Awardee, Salesian Brother Mario Bois, SDB was awarded a prestigou...Date2018.09.06 CategoryKOR Reply0 Views2989 -
4841_“The Almighty has done great things for me.”
First Wantok Bosco launched in Solomon Islands By Sr. Sesilia Sala, FMA Honiara, Solomon Islands, 31 August 2018 -- The Don Bosco Technical Institute in Central Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands) was packed with nearly four hundred youth from th...Date2018.09.05 CategoryPGS Reply0 Views1507 -
4840_Bible in the Family
Welcoming September with Bible Quiz in Indonesia By Fr. Peter Tukan, SDB Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 September 2018 -- For the Catholic Church in Indonesia, every September is the Month of the Bible. This year, Bible quiz is the program of learni...Date2018.09.04 CategoryINA Reply0 Views1932 -
4840_A new year for formation
By Phuoc Nguyen, SDB Dalat, Vietnam, 1 Sept 2018 -- The Province of Vietnam-Mongolia celebrated the Mass of Holy Spirit for its two centers of studies, the theologate and the philosophate. As the meeting of the post-novitiate rectors in Hua...Date2018.09.04 CategoryVIE Reply0 Views2917 -
4839_Tomorrow we will do what you are doing today!
Formation aims to touch the hearts [of young Salesians] By Our Own Correspondent Hua Hin, Thailand, 3 September 2018 -- The 33 participants of the EAO and South Asia Postnovitiate formation meeting in Hua Hin had a busy Sunday: the whole mo...Date2018.09.03 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views2222 -
4838(III)_Ready to accompany the young generations of the postnovices
South and East Asia Postnovitiate formators meeting in Hua Hin By Our Own Correspondent Hua Hin, Thailand, 1 September 2018 -- From September 1 to 4 in the Don Bosco Retreat House in Hua Hin the 30 formators and teaching staff of the Salesi...Date2018.09.02 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views2479