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Salesian History Conference deals with the substance

By Sr Wirinthip Inyaem, FMA

Sam Phran, Thailand, 12 February 2019 -- on the second day of the ACSSA EAO Conference on Salesian History, the session began with Morning Prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist. Fr Aaron Alcoseba, SDB, the Vice Provincial of Thailand, was the main celebrant.

Sr Anna Tran Thi Sang, FMA (VTN) and Sr Florita Dimayuga FMA (FIL), moderators of the first and second sessions, introduced the following speakers who presented their study or research of their chosen relevant Salesian figure, those who in their field of mission are believed to have embodied in a significant manner the Salesian spirit as a way of being and living the Gospel of Jesus:

  • Fr Thomas Anchukandam SDB (ISS): “Situating Salesian Missionary Activities in the Historical Context of the EAO Region” (presented by Fr. Nestor Impelido SDB)
  • Fr Lanfranco Fedrigotti SDB: “Memories from my Life: From Tyrolean Lad to Missionary Bishop; The Autobiography of Bishop Ignaz Kanazei (Ignazio Canazei SDB)”
  • Sr Sompong Thabping SIHM: “The Life and Mission of Bishop Gaetano Pasotti SDB”
  • Sr Marisa Gambato FMA: “La Figura di Sr. Carmela Solari FMA nel Contesto Socio-Religioso del Giaponne (1930-1957) / "The Figure of Sr Carmela Solari FMA in the Scio-religious Context of Japan (1930-1957)”
  • Fr Joachim Ye Maung SDB: “Everything to Us - Fr Fortunato Giacomin SDB”
  • Sr Maria Immacolata Taniguchi Nobuko SCG and Sr Ma. Letizia Ono SCG: “Don Antonio Cavoli e la Fondazione delle Suore della Carita” / "Fr Antonio Cavoli and the Founing of the Sisters of Charity"
  • Fr Manuel Fraile SDB “Fr Alfonso Nacher SDB: An Extraordinary Salesian Missionary in East Timor”
  • Sr. Monica Jin Hee Kim FMA: “Sr Mirta Mondin (1922-1977): Un Seme di Cenape Gettata nella Terra Coreana” / "A mustard seed thrown into Korean soil"

After Evening Prayer, all 47 participants from 10 countries prayed the rosary together in memory of the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. The rosary was prayed in different languages and everyone participated in a floral offering for Our Lady. After Compline, Sr Maria Letizia Ono SCG and Sr Maria Immacolata Taniguchi Nobuko SCG gave the good night, also explaining the symbol from their country, Japan, that they offered during the opening session of the conference.

On the following day, 12 February, the conference began with Morning Prayer and celebration of the Holy Eucharist at which Fr Francesco Motto SDB was main celebrant. The presentations that followed featured guest speakers, Professor Puttipong Puttansri, who presented “A History of the Church in Thailand" and Professor Wiriya Namsiripongpun, who presented his book, “Yimsoo: Smile to Fight for Empowerment and Barrier Free.”

Still on the theme, “Relevant Salesian Figures of the 20th Century in East Asia,” the moderators, Fr Ilidio Correia SDB (TIM) and Fr Dominic Pham Xuan Uyen SDB (VTN) introduced the following who spoke of the charismatic lives of the significant Salesian personalities from their own respective countries:

  • Sr Anna Grassi FMA (THAILAND) on “Sr Rose Moore - FMA Pioneer of the Blind” and “Sr Anna Payong Lattanan - FMA Educator ‘Thai Style’ ”
  • Fr Joseph Banchong Santisukniran SDB (THAILAND): “The Servant of God Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB: Salesian Missionary and Founder (1900-1982)”
  • Fr. Raphael Hae Dong Lee SDB (KOREA): “Fr Archimede Martelli SDB (1916-1984)”
  • Fr Stanislaw Zimniak SDB (ACSSA): “Don Mario Marega-Salesiano Missionario in Giappone: Un appassionato estimatore e studioso della cultura del Giappone per annunciare il vangelo di Cristo” / “Fr Mario Marega-Salesian Missionary in Japan: a passionate admirer and scholar of Japanese culture with a view to announcing the Gospel of Christ”
  • Fr Nestor Impelido SDB (PHILIPPINES): “Fr Jose Luis Carreno SDB – Dilectus Deo et Homnibus: A Salesian in the Philippines (1962-1965)”
  • Sr. Anna Tran Thi Sang FMA and Sr. Maria Hoang Ngoc Yen FMA (VIETNAM): “And He Sent Them Out Two by Two”
  • Sr Elena Miravalle FMA (CHINA): “Sr Itala Romano FMA & Sr Ligia
  • Borges FMA: che il mondo conosca le loro opere” “Sr Itala Romano FMA & Sr Ligia Borges FMA: so that the world may know their work”(Presented by Sr Grazia Loparco FMA)
  • Sr. Ladda Ratchaneeladdajit SQM and Sr. Suneerat Mitcharoenthavorn SQM (THAILAND): “Carlo dela Torre SDB: History of the Congretation of the Sisters of the Queenship of Mary”
  • Also, Sr Maria Nitaya Yawasang FMA / Ms Agnese Swassa Vongpradua gave an overview of tomorrow’s scheduled visit to historical Thai Salesian sites.

It was an enriching day the day concluded with the Good Night Talk given by Sr. Maliwan Paramathawirote SIHM (THAILAND).






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