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Interview with Fr Apolinario Ornai Neto, SDB

Delegate to the Salesian Cooperators TLS

By Our Own Correspondent

Dili, Timor Leste, 15 February 2019 -- Currently the Superior of the TLS Viceprovince, Fr Apolinario Neto was involved for many years as the Delegate to the ASC (Dili Centre) and is accompanying the establishment of the TLS Province of Salesian Cooperators. At present there are already 3 Local Centres of Salesian Cooperators in Timor Leste (Dili, Laga and Venilale).

What makes you happy as Salesian Cooperators’ Delegate?

One thing that makes me happy as Delegate for Salesian Coperators is that they share responsibility for the same charism and mission with their lay identity. Like us SDBs, they also commit themselves totally to live out Don Bosco’s apostolic mission: “to educate young people to be good Christians and upright citizens.”

What most helps your Salesian Co-operators to grow in their vocation?

One of many aspects that helps the Salesian Cooperators grow in this vocation is their total commitment and dedication to learn Don Bosco’s spirituality that has been written in their (PAL) Statutes and Regulations. They also work tirelessly to spread Don Bosco’s spirituality and the call to live as Salesian Cooperators in all their settings through their witness and living example. Their total commitment and tireless efforts have borne much fruit as shown by the significant amount of members that they have: many senior as well as junior members. They also bring a significant contribution to the smooth-running of our Apostolic Mission in TLS Vice-Province.

What are the major challenges in the vocation growth of the Salesian Co-operators?

One of the major challenges that I face as the delegate of the Salesian Co-operators, is to accompany them with constant formation and to ensure they live (are faithful) to their vocation and commitment as lay Salesians within the Salesian family to serve their fellow Christians and in the formation of young people.

How do you prepare yourself as a formator? What do you need (more) for your task?

What I personally do is give myself enough time to read and reflect on the materials for Salesianity, the life and the pastoral activities of Don Bosco in order to guide them according to Don Bosco’s charism. I also make an effort to understand their Statutes and Regulations (Project of Apostolic Life=PAL) to ensure that all their formation is done in the light of everything that is written in their Statutes and Regulations. Moreover, I also follow the regular news of the Congregation to keep myself up to date with the current issues and the ongoing mission of the Congregation in our contemporary situation.

What exchange among the EAO Salesian Cooperator provinces you dream about?

I do have two dreams for the Salesian Cooperators who belong to the EAO Region: my first dream is to see the Salesian Cooperators working together in co-operation not only at provincial level, but also at regional and world leves. My second dream is to see them available to do some missionary work as volunteers, who can spread the Salesian charism and the Cooperator’s vocation throughout the world, beginning from their home provinces.

What do you expect from the 2019 EAO formators workshop in Cambodia?

What I personally expect from the 2019 EAO formators workshop: I hope that they will come out with deliberations that highlight clear programs for the formation of the Salesian Cooperators within the EAO Region, which corresponds to their Formation Guidelines and PAL (Statutes).

How do you put into practice the four pillars of formation: know – know how to do – know how to be? Know how to live in communion?

It is a good pedagogy of Don Bosco that we have to learn to do personal project of life and ongoing formation program for all members in the human, Christian and Salesian life. As a Salesian Cooperator Delegate we are called to guide, to share, to participate and be active in living out their service of accompaniment and apostolic formation.


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