Interview with Sr Gertrude FMA,
Provincial Delegate to the ASC in Korea
Seoul, Korea, 19 March 2019 -- What makes you happy as the Salesian Cooperators’ Delegate?
I’m happy when I feel the dynamism of the Salesian Cooperators, who contribute to the growth of spiritual heritage of Don Bosco.
What makes your Salesian Cooperators grow in their vocation?
To be a Salesian Cooperator, means to live God’s calling – vocation. I’m helping their awareness, that this is something very different from other devotional groups in the Catholic community – parishes.
What are the major challenges in the vocation growth of Salesian Cooperators?
Yes, their major temptation or challenge is to be ‘active Salesian Cooperator’ when they have time, but when they are busy or retire from their job in some Salesian institution or move to another province or city, then some of them just simply ‘end their Salesian Cooperator activity’.
What do you need most for your task as Delegate to the ASC?
I would need more clear understanding (through reading of Salesian Cooperators documents) about the Salesian Cooperator vocation, mission and formation and also some reflection about different kinds of ASC Centers and about the methods of their ongoing formation.
What exchange among the EAO Salesian Cooperator provinces do you dream about?
Each country has specific characteristics and each ASC province can offer some good practices which can’t be simply adapted to other situation. More than to receive some help, I would look for grow in wider vision and growth in creativity of each ASC province.
What do you expect from the 2019 EAO Formators Workshop in Cambodia , May 2019?
Due to the language challenge (English) I will not take part in the Cambodia seminar, however I would like to get some insight into the ongoing formation of the Salesian Cooperators and for the growth of their identity.
How do you practise the 4 pillars of formation: Know – Know how to do? – Know how to be? – Know how to live in communion?
To understand the identity of Salesian Cooperators, nurture their identity during initial formation time, be present among the Salesian Cooperators as their animator and cooperate for their growth with respect and listening attitude.