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By our own correspondent

Rome, 27 December 2020 -- "Moved by Hope" (I am making all things new - Revelation 21:3) - the Rector Major's Strenna 2021 was launched for the first time in history through a LIVE interview with the Rector Major broadcast by the ANS Facebook channel simultaneously in 5 languages (Italian, Spanish, English, French and Portuguese) on the evening of December 26 from the SC Department of the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome (UPS).

A simple program moderated by Fr Silvio Roggia (RMG, Formation sector) was introduced by the traditional 15 minute Strenna 2021 video broadcast on the respective 5 language ANS Facebook channels, followed by the 10 ready questions of the moderator to Fr Angel F. Artime and concluded with the responses of Don Bosco's 10th successor to some of the many Strenna-related questions posted on the Facebook page by Salesian Family members from all five continents.

In spite of the late hour (6 PM in Rome means 1 AM time in Manila and 7 AM on Sunday in Samoa), quite a few East Asia - Oceania Salesian Family members took part from Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam and even eastern Russia (Siberia-Yakutsk). Within the first five hours after launching, already 30k views of the Strenna 2021 video were acknowledged on the internet.

Very high interest in this year Strenna is felt through dozens of questions shared before and during the LIVE program.

# What is the difference between human optimism, hope and Christian virtue of hope?

# What is our hope for the time after this pandemic?

# How can our human fragility, misery and limitations become e fertile ground for the hope?

# How would change the history if Johny Bosco would not gave up the key of Father Calosso?

# How can we see that the poor young people are our treasure and our hope?

# Which Salesian Family saint would be a champion of hope, the most visible witness of this virtue?

# What is your dream about the Salesian Family during this incoming year 2021?

# Prayer and Hope go along, what prayer do you suggest for the year of Hope, 2021?

Yesterday we received a truly very rich charismatic treasure during the interview with 2021 Strenna launching for the 32 Groups of the Salesian Family.

After the presentation of the 2021 Strenna (August 2020), after the Strenna 2021 Poster (October 2020) and after the Strenna video (December 26,2020)

We are still waiting for the official Strenna commentary published in early January 2021. And last but not the least, we are awaiting the first online edition of the (39th) Salesian Family Spirituality Days on January 15-17,2021.

Let's Walk in Hope during next twelve month, together!













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