Rome, 30 July 2021 -- In the Southern hemisphere the month of August is celebrated around the Salesian provinces as the 'Month of Don Bosco'. Our hope is that our Salesian Family members in Australia-Pacific and PNG-Solomon Island can have yet another opportunity to get Don Bosco known a little bit more, and also to spread his spirituality and his way of education.
During this coming August 2021 there are numerous religious professions and ordinations in some EAO provinces: For the SDB in FIN, FIS, INA, MYM, THA-Cambodia delegation and VIE (including also two missionaries in AFW province) and for the FMA Sisters in CYM (Cambodia), THA and VIE.
Here is the (hopefully= almost complete list for your prayers and congratulations:
July 31: AFW (Nairobi-Kenya) perpetual profession - Vietnamese missionaries:
Cl Paul Quan
Cl Joseph Phuc
Aug 1: INA (Jakarta-Indonesia) first profession SDB:
Cl Arnoldus Yanur Bate Gope
Cl Simplisius Kora
Aug 5: CYM (Phnom Penh-Cambodia) first profession FMA:
Sr Charlene Chua (first FMA sister from Singapore!)
Aug 5: KOR (Mornese-Italy) perpetual profession 2 FMA:
Sr. Moon Rafaela
Sr Lee Agnes
Aug 5: THA (Sampran-Thailand) first profession FMA:
Sr.Agnese Thanacha Sothon
Aug 6: FIS-MYM (Cebu-Philippines) first profession - 4 SDB:
Cl Keiyth Joemarie B. Bernales (FIS)
Cl John Hein Htet Aung (MYM)
Cl Christopher Sa (MYM)
Cl Nicholas Naw Seng Hpring (MYM)
Aug 7: THA (Banpong-Thailand) priestly ordination:
Deacon Francis Nattawut Kitsawad
Aug 8: THA - Cambodia delegation (Phnom Penh) perpetual profession - Vietnamese missionary:
Cl Paul Lê Quốc Bảo
Aug 13: VIE (Bathon-HCM City) first profession SDB - 19 novices:
Cl Giuse Vũ Tuấn Anh
Cl Gioan Baotixita Ngô Quang Bảo
Cl Giuse Phạm Văn Bảo
Cl Giuse Trần Công Chánh
Cl Gioan Phan Văn Cường
Cl Phêrô Trần Văn Dương
Cl Giuse Hoàng Văn Đức
Cl Giuse Phạm Văn Hoan
Cl Phanxicô Assisi Đỗ Trọng Hữu
Cl Phaolô Phạm Kim Long
Cl Phêrô Trần Văn Long
Cl Phêrô Nguyễn Phước Lộc
Cl Tôma Aquinô Trần Văn Lộc
Cl Anphongsô Lê Khôi Nguyên
Cl Đaminh Nguyễn Minh Tấn
Cl Giuse Hoàng Đức Thăng
Cl Giuse Nguyễn Đức Tuan
Br Vinhsơn Phạm Xuân Vinh
Br Giuse Nguyễn Quang Sách
Aug 14: VIE (Xuan Hiep-HCM City) perpetual profession - 6 SDB:
Cl Giuse Hồ Chính
Cl Antôn Ngô Mạnh Lâm
Cl Gioan Baotixita Nguyễn Trọng Nhân
Cl Gioan B. Nguyễn Duy Quang
Cl Giuse Phạm Văn Thông
Br Phêrô Trần Cao Lượng
Aug 14: CIN (Hong Kong) deacon ordination:
Cl Peter So Ming-hong
Aug 15: FIN (Canlubang) first profession SDB - one Brother and one Cleric :
Cl Cyril Jess L. Lumibao
Br Roel Jude L. Mallari
Aug 21: THA - Cambodia delegation (Pune-India) priestly ordination:
Deacon Michael Gaikawad
Among the best way of celebrating the month of Don Bosco is to share his vocation story (cf. Memoirs of the Oratory) or our own vocation story with the young people around us! Have a good vocation storytelling month of August!
From the VIETNAM FMA sisters - first and perpetua professions.