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Maravilla - Harvesting rice at tetere Solomon Islands.JPG

By Fr. Alfred Maravilla SDB
General Councillor for Missions

RMG, 10 August 2024 -- "Non-Governmental Organisations" is a term coined in 1945 in the United Nations Charter to distinguish between government bodies and private organizations formed by private citizens. NGOs have formal affiliation with a group; a mission statement or objectives with explicit reference to certain values and sources of financial support. A governance structure through the governing board ensures the success of their objectives and goals. NGOs often fill the gaps that government bodies and private sectors are unable to address effectively. Thus, they play an essential role in bringing about social change, advocacy to influence public policies or political issues, the protection of the environment, and a variety of causes.

By its nature, NGOs operate autonomously of the government, without any oversight, participation, or representation. Despite their independence, many NGOs rely heavily on government grants as well as funding from a variety of sources, like individual donors, private sector businesses, foundations, corporations and philanthropic organizations. Most NGOs are also Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs). However, only some NPOs are NGOs. Both NPOs and NGOs function to help people and improve society, but NPOs generally aim to develop cultural, religious, societal, or career aspirations.

Integral human development is the cornerstone of NGO activities. Through capacity-building activities children, youth and adults are equipped with the skills needed to participate fully in their society. Sustainability implies helping people help themselves which, in turn, develops self-esteem and dignity that is self-perpetuating after the NGO support has ended. Through advocacy, NGOs raise awareness of critical social issues. They seek to influence policies and legislation that affect the communities they serve, bringing about systemic change to ensure lasting social change.

Transparency and accountability about their activities ensure that members, stakeholders, and beneficiaries of the NGO undertakings are fully provided information about their objectives, funding, supporters and operations. Ensuring credibility among all the parties involved contributes to the success of an NGO.

In times of emergencies, caused by natural disasters or conflicts, NGOs respond with humanitarian assistance and provide essential services including food, shelter, medical care, and psychological support to those affected.

Faith-based NGOs are affiliated with a specific church, religious organization, or private foundation. Their deeply rooted motivations flow from the distinct values of their faith. All faith-based NGOs provide services and advocacy in varied ways but they have one essential common element: they strive to assist the poor, vulnerable and marginalized without distinction based on religion, social class or ethnic origin.

Catholic-inspired NGOs are motivated by Catholic values, beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church. They promote Christian ethical and moral values as a way of fostering a greater commitment to social welfare, justice, solidarity, peace and defense of human dignity. This is translated into focusing on areas such as social work, the promotion of Christian values, integral human development, research, cultural and artistic promotion and care for the environment. These, in turn, open new paths of dialogue and cooperation which promote a "culture of encounter", where the dignity of every human person, created in God's image and likeness (Gen 1, 26), is foremost.

By joining forces with other Catholic-inspired NGOs, through networking and cooperation in shared projects, they make the impact of their activities even more evident and expand the effect of the leaven of the Gospel.

In today's world, there is a legitimate plurality of opinions, there is the real danger of assuming that every viewpoint is equally valid. This can lead people to be content with partial or provisional truths. So, Catholic-inspired NGOs take part in discussions and debates in the public square as a 'service to truth' (Fides et Ratio 2) to shed light on the foundation of human morals and ethics, in the light of natural reason. By doing this, people of goodwill are helped to understand that adhering to Christian values is not only useful but also essential in building up a human society through integral development. These are the " new frontiers" where the Church, through Catholic-inspired NGOs, bears credible witnesses and fosters initial proclamation (Centesimus Annus, 5; Caritas in Veritate, 3-4).

The Don Bosco Network (DBN) is a federation of international NGOs whose vision, mission and activities are deeply inspired by Gospel values and principles, the teachings of the Catholic Church and the charism of St. John Bosco. Thus, member NGOs of DBN are engaged in helping poor, marginalized, defenseless and vulnerable children, youth and adults to empower them to work for their integral development and the welfare of our society.

For Reflection and Sharing

  1. How can we foster sustainable integral human development?
  2. What do I know about DBN?





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