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Dear All,

Another week gone by and no slacking off in daily translations, at least at this end, and probably not at your end either. Is there anything that may interest us as a whole?

The Acts of the General Council (AGC 442) are now in the hands of the six 'main' language translators. It is up to you to decide if you need any items in this AGC for 'local' translation. Somehow I doubt it this time. The main letters (RM and Vicar of the RM) you already have in hand. Given that we were not sent the RM's letter we have to presume it will be the commentary on the Strenna, which of course you already have access to. And the Vicar of the RM's contribution to AGC is precisely the address he is giving at the EAO Team Visit this week (with just a couple of concluding paragraphs added). You already have that, minus the concluding paragraphs. If you think you need it again or did not receive it earlier, just ask and I will send it to you in English or Italian, according to your preference. And the rest? Almost certainly you will not be interested in translating a dozen or more 'cronaca' of the RM and Council, nor, for that matter the biopics of all the new provincials appointed during the recent General Council sessions... but again, if you want them just let me know.

Books. The General Councillor for Youth Ministry, Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, has written and published (in Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese) a book called A Way of Life in Love: Disciples and Apostles for the World. This is now in English translation but is yet to be published. It may be published in GBR and/or in one of the Indian Provinces, and there is a possibility it will be published within our Region as well. But Fr Miguel Ángel has made it clear to me that if someone wished to translate it into an Asian or Oceanian language, he would be happy for that to happen. Indeed his comment was, "Hopefully CIN, GIA, VIE, INA... will want to translate it into their local languages. I would be fine with that!"

The book is clearly written from a Salesian perspective (with young and not-so-young members of Salesian consecrated life in mind) but is intended to appeal to consecrated life in general. It is an excellent set of reflections on some key gospel passages. If you have an interest in a local translation of this work, let me know and I can give you any of three languages to work from: Spanish, Italian or English (with either US or UK spelling).  

There is one other book that might interest some: Fr Alphonse Owoudou has written for his confreres in Africa, in both French and English. He is calling it Companion and Friend: Motivational thoughts for African youth and educators. I happen to have read it because he asked me to do the proofreading of the text, and while it is clearly written for the African and Madagascan context, I think you will see from the title that it is written especially with young people, young leaders and teachers in mind. While I have not, as yet, asked him if he would be happy to see this book spread beyond his own context, I do not think he would object to this. Let me know if there is any interest in our region, and we can put the question to him.

The RM's February Message for the Italian Salesian Bulletin: not yet published in sdb.org. but if you would like both the Italian and English translation of this message let me know and I will send it to you. It is called 'And the star stopped over a wheelchair', reflections by the RM on his visit to his home town of Luanco in Asturia, Spain, after Christmas.


The Best Practice for this week is about revising translations done by someone else. It was partly prompted by a comment in Fr Albeiro's best practice last week about the WHO process (essentially what is known as 'back translation'), but the difference here is that one can be asked, at times, to check another translation as part of QA or quality assurance.

But once again an appeal to all you translators out there.... do you have a best practice to share? Surely you do.

