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Good morning all,

This time I am not sending you extra work! In fact, it would be a good idea if we can occasionally try to help one another.

So, I am proposing we share some best practices among us. And even if you are a bit unsure how best to express yourself, do your best, even writing it in your own language if needs be and I'll do my best to make sense of that. How? By using all the digital tools we have available these days!

So in view of that, I am attaching a first 'Best practice' on precisely that: the kinds of digital tools that I have found very helpful.

You will note this is entitled Best Practice_1. That implies 2,3,4... You are invited to share a best practice of your own. It doesn't have to be on the same topic (digital tools). It can be anything related to translation, either something you do, or that your province or team does.... if indeed you have a team and that would be a best practice in itself! Or maybe it is not something you do, but something you would like to happen, some future best practice if you could just get all the ducks properly lined up!

At this stage, regarding the Team Visit in Vietnam, I have sent out 3 items just to those who are probably most likely to want to translate part or all of them into the language that provincial and council members (since they are the ones attending the TV) are most comfortable with. Provincials/Superiors probably already have these texts in English, so I thought there would be no need to send them to people for whom that language presents no real difficulties. But if you think you need them, just yell, and I'll send them.

Happy upcoming feast day on Wednesday!
