Nyaunglebin, Myanmar -February 28, 2015. Charles Maung Bo,
Myanmar’s first Roman Catholic Cardinal, has called on the Tatmadaw
(Myanmar Armed Forces) and armed groups to meet for negotiations to
end their ongoing armed conflicts.
He urged the Tatmadaw to begin negotiations with armed groups
including the KIA and Kokang renegade group, saying it is important
to meet face-to-face to end armed conflicts in the country.
“People suffer from wars. The Tatmadaw, considering itself as
parents, should lead negotiations,” said Bo during an interview at a
Catholic church in Nyaunglebin town where the 113th annual National
Marian Pilgrimage is being celebrated.
At his first meeting as a cardinal with more than 50,000 people from
the Roman Catholic community from different parts of Myanmar during
the celebration of the pilgrimage, he has also reaffirmed his
commitment to work towards peace and reconciliation between
different religious groups in Myanmar.
He has become a voice of not only for Myanmar’s Catholic community
but also for the peoples of the country including those with no
voice and will work for building a more friendly relationship
between leaders of different religions and for reduction of
conflicts based on religions, Bo said.
He will also work for the establishment of diplomatic relations
between Myanmar and the Vatican.