Salesian Life and Mission - Eucharist in Action
1989-Seoul-International Eucharistic Congress-badge.doc
2003-John Paul II-Ecclesia de Eucharistia eng.docx
2005-BenedictXVI-Sacramentum caritatis eng.doc
2016-Francis-Cebu International Eucharistic Congress.docx
Rector Major on the Eucharist
Vigano Egidio
ACG 324-Vigano-Eucharist 1987-eng.rtf
Vecchi Juan Edmund
ACG 371-Vecchi-Eucharist-2000-eng.doc
Chavez Pascual
AGC398-Chavez-Eucharist 2007-eng.doc
Archbishop Thomas Menamparambil:
Menamparambil CEBU 2016 ENG.docx
Cardinal Charles Bo (Homily Corpus Christi, 2020)
Eucharist-Corpus Christ-Bo 2020.docx
Fr. Frank Moloney
Broken Bread for Broken People
Gospel according John: Eucharist
Moloney-Eucharist John-Cebu IEC 2016 talk.docx