1. Mortuary letter (2000, Kolkatta INC Provincial)
2000-Feb-20-Giacomin Fortunato-Mortuary Letter.pdf
2. Lashio Apostolic Prefecture (1976 - article in the Italian Salesian Bullettin)
BS_Lashio nasce prefettura 1976 ITA.docx
3. Myanmar - Letter of the Rector Major (ACG 395, 2006 - Region South Asia)
ACG 395-South Asia- Myanmar.doc
4. AustraLasia link - news 2016 August
Father Fortunato GIACOMIN-AustraLasia 1.docx
5. Testimonials - Fr. Personeni (Italian missionary in Thailand, Cometa)
Giacomin-Cometa da Personeni ITA.pdf
PHOTOS from MYM archives:
MYM archives
MYM archives
MYM archives
MYM archives
MYM archives
MYM archives
Prayer - ENGLISH (August 2017)
Almighty God,
Your faithful servant Fortunato Giacomin, missionary in Myanmar,
a fervent Salesian priest, proclaimed and witnessed wholeheartedly the Gospel especially to the poor and young.
You gave him a strong faith, unfailing hope and tireless zeal to serve the poor and lead to Jesus.
You sent him to root the Salesian charism through teaching, spiritual direction, inspiration
and selfless help to many poor people in Anisakan.
Help us to follow Jesus like him, with tireless zeal, undivided heart and loving kindness.
Let our lives be a continuous praise of You, who live and reign forever and ever.