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March 19 

There are few hundreds of Salesians in the EAO baptized with the name of JOSEPH (especially in Vietnam)

Today is a great day to celebrate the Saint Patron of the Catholic Church, of the Workers, of the Salesian Brothers.

From the first technical school in Hong Kong - Aberdeen Technical School!19 1 San Jose Vie (2).jpg

  1. Young people are saving the Salesians! CIN-Hong Kong

  2. CIN - Fr. Louis HO, RIP

  3. CIN - Happy Vocation Movement

  4. Happy Feastday of St. Joseph!

  5. Pakistan - Salesian Past Pupil BASHIR hero in the bombers attack on the Catholic Parish

  6. SI - 2015 SRC Retreat DBTI Henderson

  7. Bicentennial Cup Don Bosco Technical Institute Henderson Solomon Islands

  8. CIN Hong Kong Catechumens

  9. CIN - Tainan Salesian Family

  10. CIN-Boys Town Taiwan

  11. CIN Taiwan Tainan FMA Kindergarten show

  12. CIN - Taiwan Salesian Technical School

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