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(ANS – Lahore) – The heroic guard who last Sunday in Lahore prevented a suicide attacker from the Jamaat ul Ahrar group from entering a crowded St John’s Catholic Church was named Akash Bashir. Akash was a past pupil of the Salesian technical school located in the predominantly Christian neighbourhood of Yuhannabad. He caught hold of his assailant, using his body as a shield. Akash lost his life and saved the lives of many other people.

His identity was confirmed today 17 March as the story of what happened gradually became clear. Akash Bashir was standing together with another security guard at the door of the church, checking those who entered. The suicide bomber approached the entrance and tried violently to get past the two young guards. When Akash stopped him he noticed the explosives hidden under his jacket. Akash grabbed hold of the attacker and the lower part of his body was blown off in the explosion.

Thanks to his courageous action the death toll was much lower than was intended by the assailant.

Meanwhile the climate of violence and insecurity in the city has not lessened. Yesterday, after the funeral, some demonstrations degenerated into manifestations of violence, by groups of emotionally charged young people. Savage violence and vandalism in the streets were halted by special force soldiers of the so-called Rangers.

These violent demonstrations are now making the situation of Christians even more precarious. This morning, 17 March, a large group of armed Muslims, urged on by loudspeakers from the nearby mosques, entered the Christian village and occupied the main street.  The government military forces managed to stop them before they came into contact with the Christian group that had gathered on the opposite side.

The Salesian school will be closed until security can be guaranteed.  Today some young people cannot even return to their homes, because of continuing unrest and violence in the streets.

"As a Christian minority there are times when our only hope is in God and His Mother, Mary" say the Salesians in Lahore.

Published 17/03/2015

(ANS – Lahore) – Ha un nome e un cognome la guardia-eroe che domenica scorsa a Lahore ha impedito all’attentatore kamikaze del gruppo “Jamaat ul Ahrar” di entrare nella chiesa cattolica di “St. John”, gremita di fedeli per la messa. Si chiamava Akash Bashir ed era un giovane exallievo della scuola tecnica salesiana sita nel quartiere a maggioranza cristiana di Yuhannabad. Ha abbracciato il suo assalitore, facendo scudo col suo corpo; ha perso la propria vita, ha salvato quella di molte altre persone.

  • vaclav 2015.03.17 21:25

    ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Archbishop of Lahore at the funeral of the victims of Youhanabad: "Be men of peace"

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    Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "We do not need and do not want a civil war. We Christians are people of peace. Do not let the pain cloud our eyes. What future do we want to build for Pakistan? A future of harmony and reconciliation": this is what the Archbishop of Lahore, Sebastian Shaw said to a crowd of over 10 thousand faithful who took part in the funeral of the victims of the St. John Church (Catholic) and Christ Church (Protestant) attack in Youhanabad, Christian suburb on the outskirts of Lahore.
    The celebration of the funeral, which was held in the Catholic church of St. John, was ecumenical: it was attended by the Catholic and Protestant Archbishops of Lahore. The victims and the families present belonged to both Christian communities: the funeral of the victims of both attacks was celebrated as a sign of profound communion. The funeral was also attended by representatives of civil authorities and some Muslim leaders came as a sign of solidarity with Christians.
    In an interview with Agenzia Fides, Archbishop Shaw said: "We have reiterated that violence is not the right path. The Gospel calls us to Always be, in every circumstance men of peace. Today, in this pain, we can pray and seek consolation in God. Christ is our consolation". The Bishop stressed that "Christians today want peace and security. As Pakistani citizens, we ask the government security and protection, in order to live in harmony and to help build a just, peaceful and fraternal nation".
    The bodies of the victims were taken to the cemetery in Lahore, where they received proper burial. "We are in mourning, but our faith sustains us. The Lord does not abandon us in this ordeal", says to Fides don Asharf Gill, a priest of the diocese of Lahore. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/03/2015)

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