How do you imitate Salesian Saints?
EAO GOOD NIGHT TALK (60) Cebu, Philippines April 1, 2019 How do you imitate Salesian saints? The happiest day of my life: first communion of Dominic Savio Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, During my retreat (first... -
How do you love Salesian saints?
EAO Good Night Talk (60) Cebu, Philippines, 1 March, 2019 In what ways do you love Salesian saints? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, Receive ... -
Do you know our Salesian saints?
EAO Good Night Talk (59) Cebu-Lawaan, Philippines February 1, ... -
#For you too: Serve the Lord in holy Joy!
EAO Good Night Talk (58) ... -
Presentation of EAO region - Good night talk 2018 (power point)
EAO GOOD NIGHT TALK 2018 - December Presentation of the East Asia - Oceania Region [one of the 7 SDB regions: 135 countries & 14.500 SDB and novices] 12 provinces 23 countries 1500 SDB & novices 185 SDB communities 12 Salesian Fam... -
Cagliero11 - Listening is always the first step!
EAO Good Night Talk (57) Valdocco, Turin, Dece... -
Young People around the world need God's Cooperators!
Young people around the world need God's Cooperators! Seoul, November 1, 2018 Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, A few days ago we followed the Fifth World C... -
Missionary Youth possible also today
Missionary Youth (Gioventú missionaria) possible also today? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, A special greeting from Sam Phran, the ‘Vatican’ of Thailand, near Bangkok. Just yesterday a further 25 SDB and 11 FMA new missiona... -
How do you listen to the young?
EAO Good Night Talk (54) Bangkok, Thailand September 1, 2018 How do we listen to the young today? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, After a strong invitation... -
Listen to the Salesian Brothers
EAO Good Night Talk (53) Jakarta, Indonesia ... -
#For You Too! - Movement of Salesian Holiness!
EAO Good Night Talk (52) Sacro Cuore, Rome July 1, 2018 ... -
Listen to Jesus?
EAO Good Night Talk (51) Hong Kong - China, June 1, 2018 Do you read the Gospel every day? Just two minutes! ... -
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Like Mary in Cana: what is missing?
EAO Good Night Talk (50) Venilale, Timor Leste May 1... -
Are you happy to waste your time in listening?
EAO-GNT-2018 (49) April.pdf >>>> for download EAO Good Night Talk (48) Dili, Timor Leste April 1, 2018 Are you happy to waste your time in listening? Dear Friends and ... -
How do you whisper the Gospel?
EAO Good Night Talk (48) Indonesia – Sumba Island March 1, 2018 How do you whisper the Gospel? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, Receive my heartfelt greet... -
Why are the Salesians not listening?
EAO Good Night Talk (47) Dili, Timor Leste February 1, 2018 Why are the Salesians not listening to the Young? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, Receive ... -
Happy New Listenful Year 2018
EAO Good Night Talk (46) Rome – Sacro Cuore (Sacred Heart) January 1, 2018 2018 – Happy New Listenful Year! Dear Friends and Salesian Family members, Receive... -
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All for Jesus, Jesus for all!
EAO Good Night Talk (45) Macau - China December 1, 2017 All for Jesus, Jesus for all! Dear Friends and Salesian Family members! Each one of us does reflect at the end of the year about the most meaningful moments, encounters, gifts received ... -
First World Day of the Poor - November 19
FOR DOWNLOAD: EAO-GNT-2017 (44) November ENG.pdf EAO Good Night Talk (44) Seoul - Korea November 1, 2017 How do you hear the cry of the poor in your daily life? ... -
Where is your comfort zone? Vocations - Blessed Fr Titus Zeman, SDB
EAO Good Night Talk (43) Yakutsk – Russia (Siberia) October 1, 2017 Where is your comfort zone? Dear Friends and Salesian Family members! After six weeks of the...