5093(II)_When only faith, silence and prayer are possible ...
Message of the Rector Major to the Salesian Family in the world By Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB RMG, 18 May 2019 -- Dear brothers and sisters of the Salesian Family in the world, I write to you to share sad news and to invite you again to...Date2019.05.19 CategoryWOR Views846 -
5062(I)_42 years witness of Salesian consecrated life
Fr Luis Badilla, SDB returned to the Father By FIS provincial secretary Cebu, the Philippines, 12 April, 2019 -- Fr. Luis Badilla, was born on 21 May, 1957, grew up in Tondo (Manila) and entered the seminary after his high school. He profes...Date2019.04.15 CategoryFIS Views788 -
5024(I)_'Christ's Love Compels us' (2 Cor 5, 14)
Vietnam Province mourns Brother: Br. Peter Duong Hien By VIE provincial secretary HCM City, Vietnam, 1 March 2019 -- At 12:00, March 1, 2019 Br. Tien was called by God, at Ben Cat Community, No. 258/3 Duong Quang Ham, Ward 5, Go Vap Distric...Date2019.03.02 CategoryVIE Views668 -
5015_Mark Nguyen Duc Huynh, SDB has gone to the Salesian garden
By Fr. Peter Vu Anh Tuan, SDB Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 18 February 2019 -- One of the first generation Salesians of Vietnam, Fr Marco Hyunh, passed away on 18 February 2019 at 6 a.m. He had spent the last 42 years in the Ben Cat community...Date2019.02.19 CategoryVIE Views2208 -
5014(II)_Our beloved confrere Antonio César Fernández
Salesian missionary Antonio César Fernández murdered (Burkina Faso) By Fr. Ángel Fernández A., SDB Rector Major RMG, 16th February 2019 -- To my Salesian Confreres, To the Salesian Family in the world, My dear brethren, It’s just a few minu...Date2019.02.18 CategoryWOR Views1126 -
4979(II)_Korean province mourns the death of Fr Valentino Shin
By Provincial Secretary KOR Seoul, Korea, 13 January 2019 -- With profound sorrow the Korean provincial community announces that Fr Valentino Shin has passed to the house of the Father after a pro-longed battle with cancer at the age of 56 ...Date2019.01.14 CategoryKOR Views1219 -
4961(III)_Fr Pietro Daniele passed away
64 years of zealous missionary life in Thailand By Fr Joseph Kriengsak THA provincial secretary Banpong, Thailand, 25 December 2018 -- The most senior member of the THA (Thailand – Cambodia – Laos) provincial community, Fr Pietr...Date2018.12.26 CategoryTHA Views1151 -
4935(II)_Farewell to Sr Nadia Ferro, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians
Missionary in Thailand for 62 years By FMA secretary Thailand Ban Pong Ratchaburi, Thailand, 28 November 2018 -- The funeral took place on 28 November at Ban Pong Ratchaburi of our dear Sister Nadia Ferro FMA, Missionary to Thailand for 62 ...Date2018.12.01 Views624 -
4933(I)_Very Zealous and Free Missionary
Homily during the Funeral Mass of Fr Andres Cervantes SDB By Fr. Favie Faldas, SDB Manila, the Philippines, 24 November 2018 -- ‘When there's no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We cal...Date2018.11.29 CategoryFIN Views1011 -
4900_Dear Fr. Fujikawa, welcome to the Salesian Garden in Heaven!
Japan Province mourns former Provincial Fr Stefano Fujikawa (1943-2018) By GIA SC Tokyo, Japan, 2 November 2018 --- Father Stefano FUJIKAWA (1943-2018), former provincial of Japan (1997-2002) passed away this morning after a period of serio...Date2018.11.02 CategoryGIA Views823 -
4887(III)_Shining model of first Spanish missionary in Korea
Fr Jesus Molero passed away By Fr Joseph NA, SDB Secretary KOR Seoul, Korea, 18 October 2018 --The most senior member of the Korean Salesian Province (KOR) passed away on 18 October October 18. He was Spanish missionary, Fr Jesús Molero, ha...Date2018.10.20 CategoryKOR Views921 -
4855(II)_“As a young man I gave my heart to India. I do not intend on taking it back.”
Fr Brian Kevin Diamond, great missionary for India passed away By Fr Frank Freeman, SDB Melbourne, Australia, 18 September 2018 -- Thus, spoke Fr Brian Kevin Diamond, who passed to his eternal reward on Sunday 1st September at Don Bosco Ala...Date2018.09.19 CategoryAUL Views866 -
4855(I)_Witness of deep love for the Lord and for the Young
Bro. Aloysius Tam Chaik-Kei passed away By Fr. Joseph Ng, SDB Provincial CIN Hong Kong, 28 August 2018 -- Bro. Aloysius Tam was born in Le Chang County, Guang Dong Province (China). He did his novitiate formation in the Salesian Missionary ...Date2018.09.19 CategoryCIN Views842 -
4842(III)_A model of Gospel life simplicity in Timor Leste
Fr. Dino Donaggio (1934-2018) - Welcome to the Salesian Garden! By TLS SC Dili, Timor Leste, 4 September 2018 -- When Fr. Dino Donaggio passed away in his native Italy (province of INE, Italy - Venezia) on September 3, 2018 - many Salesians...Date2018.09.06 CategoryTLS Views1019 -
4838(II)_A global wave of gratitude
Fr. Jerónimo da Rocha Monteiro SDB, former World Delegate for the Past Pupils passed away By Bro. Crispim Hornay, SDB Manique, Portugal, 31 August 2018 -- Fr. Jeronimo Rocha Monteiro (1938-2018) passed way in Manique – Portugal at the age o...Date2018.09.02 CategoryWOR Views2182 -
4764(II)_66 Years of Faithful Salesian Religious Life Witness
Fr. Joseph Kamezawa went to the house of the Father By Fr. Mario Yamanouchi, SDB Beppu, Japan, 16 June 2018 -- Last Sunday, June 16th passed away Fr. Joseph KAMEZAWA Tsunemizu in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu Island at the age of 90 years....Date2018.06.20 CategoryGIA Views821 -
4740_Former World Delegate of the Salesian Cooperators passed away
Fr. Julio Olarte went in the Salesian garden By ANS Bogotá, Colombia, 26 May 2018 -- The "San Pietro Claver" Province of Colombia-Bogotá, with deep sorrow, reports the death of Fr. Julio Humberto Olarte Franco, SDB, who passed away on May 2...Date2018.05.29 CategoryWOR Views1419 -
4684(III)_Fr. Federico Baggio, SDB passed away
By the UPS Viceprovince secretary UPS, March 29 -- The comunity of St. Francis de Sales of the Vice-province “Maria Sede della Sapienza” (Rome) comunicates that today on Holy Thursday, our Good Lord have called to His house Fr. Federico Bag...Date2018.03.30 CategoryGIA Views1629 -
4601_Faithful disciple entered the house of the Father
Rest in peace, Fr. Ambrosio Park Yang Ung By Our Own Correspondent Seoul, Korea, 6 January 2018 -- Known to many who visited or lived in the former General House community (Pisana: 1982-1984, 1988-2006) where he was in charge of the Central...Date2018.01.06 CategoryKOR Views1044 -
4593(III)_Fr. Peter Zago, former provincial of Cebu passed away
By Our Own Correspondent Turin, Italy, 28 December -- Fr. Peter Zago, SDB (former provincial of FIS - Cebu province, 1992-1998) passed suddenly (heart attack) away in Perosa Argentina (Torino - Italy) yesterday night (December 28) in the ho...Date2017.12.29 CategoryFIS Views1631