Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 9 October 2016 -- Priest, educator and writer of the 19th century dedicated his life for the good of the juvenile young people, street children and young people who are at a disadvantage. Basing himself on the philosophy of St. Francis de Sales, Don Bosco developed the Preventive System, a method based on love rather than on punishment. The Salesians of Don Bosco follow in his footsteps and are dedicated to the care and education of young people. One of the activities of every institute is the weekly ‘Oratory’.
It was a day of fun and frolic, on the 9th October, as 515 oratory children celebrated their year-end Oratory Day at Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI), Port Moresby. The children were from the Oratory settings of Sabama, Murray Barracks, Taurama Barracks and Boroko (Vadavada). The Salesians and the Savio Haus Aspirants go for their Sunday Apostolate to these four settings. The DBTI campus was very colourful and the different venues were prepared for soccer, basketball and other activities.
The program commenced at 10.30am with ice-breakers by Cl. Sylvester Kuli sdb, a welcome prayer service by Fr. Pedro Sachitula sdb and an inspirational message on ‘Obedience’ by Fr. Peter Baquero sdb, Provincial of the PGS Vice-Province.
The oratorians were then divided into different categories according to their ages – children, youth and young adults and were allotted different colored ribbons. In each category the 4th year DBTI students animated the sessions, taught them Catechism, assisted with First aid, water stations and shared a number of valuable tips to the oratory children. Indeed, the students knew what was expected of them and did their assigned task very well.
A two-hour activity was held at different venues. The big boys went to the main soccer field and basketball court, the small boys gathered at the DBTI kiosk, while the children had their activity in the gymnasium. It gave the oratorians a practical approach to what they had learnt over the year. Snacks, drinks and gifts were then given to the children.
The organizing team of Savio Haus and Sacred Heart Post-Novitiate Community are grateful to the many who supported the program. Fr. Provincial and the Salesians, Salesian sisters, Missionaries of Charity, Mr Francis Banania, Ms Eva, Pom Gen volunteers, 45 students and several others who assisted at the program. Special thanks go to the main sponsors Seeto Kui and SVS Mart.
Fr. Pankaj concluded the program and spoke to the oratory children on brotherhood and sharing. All went home with smiles on their lips and laughter in their hearts as they echoed the praises of the Lord and thanked Don Bosco for a fitting conclusion to the Oratory program of the year 2016.