Apia, Samoa, 31 August 2019 -- Archbishop Alapati of Apia led a Eucharist on Saturday 31 August at St John Bosco Parish in Sinamoga to mark the 40th anniversary of the Salesian presence in Samoa. The Eucharist was concelebrated by the Provincial of the Australia-Pacific Province, the Provincial Economer, the Delegate of the Pacific, many diocesan and religious priests and a good number of Salesians including Fr James Adayadiel and Fr Sebastian Chacko who arrived in the paradise of the Pacific 40 years ago.
In a special way, a large number of youth from the Salesian schools and parishes participated in the Eucharist as part of their SamBosco celebration. During his homily, Archbishop Alapati specifically encouraged adults and parents of Samoa to love and educate their children and young people, but not to treat them like servants.
Following the Eucharist, Fr Will Matthews SDB, together with Sr Edna Mary MacDonald, the FMA Provincial, blessed and unveiled a new statue of St John Bosco enshrined near the community chapel and the entrance to Don Bosco Technical Centre, Alafua.
The celebration concluded with a fiafia (celebration) on the oval at Don Bosco Technical College in Alafua with traditional food, singing and dances.
There are a technical college, a secondary college and four parishes under the care of the Salesians in Samoa.