EAO missionary animation 2015 Seoul
Seoul, November 10-13, 2015 EAO provincial delegates for the missionary animation 2015-2016-PDMA-Directory.doc Missionary animation in the provincial community: EAO-provincial structures of mission animation ENG.doc Missionary animation-stru... -
Salesian Missionary Formation
Salesian Missionary Formation Course for the new missionaries (annual event - September, 25 days) - Rome-Turin for download 146-new missionary course program 2015 September.pdf Missionary formation - SDB Guidelines, 2014 Formazione Mission... -
Fit for Mission (NZ)
New Zealand - Auckland diocesan pastoral plan (2014-2019) FIT FOR MISSION for download PASTORAL PLAN: full version pastoral_plan214_19.pdf (ENG) ENG:AUL-NZ Auckland Fit For Mission 2014.docx CIN: chinese_format.docx VIE: vietnamese_poster_.... -
2016 Salesian Mission Week: Come help us!
Poster-GMS 2016-ING.pdf SMD2016_booklet.pdf -
Salesian Missionary Animation
EAO SALESIAN MISSIONARY ANIMATION 2015 - preparation BASIC DOCUMENTS for DOWNLOAD Guidelines - Basic Structers of Provincial Missionary animation (2015, Fr. Basanes) Missionary animation-structures and process-ENG.pdf Handbook for the PROVI... -
Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service
Missionary Volunteers - topic for the 2015 EAO joint session of youth ministry and missions (Seoul, November 12) HANDBOOK (SDB ed. 3 - 2008: Sector for Youth Ministry and Missions) FOR DOWNLOAD VOLUNTARY SERVICE MANUAL 2008-ENGLISH.doc Cagli... -
2015 Salesian Mission Week: LORD SEND ME!
Salesian Mission Day 2015: LORD, SEND ME! For download: Salesian Mission Day 2015-ENG.pdf 2015: Criteria for the discernment of Salesian missionary vocation ad gentes-ad vitam: MISSIONI - Criteri per il discernimento-eng.doc Provincia... -
GC27 - Missionary re-reading
Missionary reading of the General Chapter 27 (+questions for sharing). Rilettura Missionaria del CG 27 - ING.pdf GC27-missionary re-reading VIET.pdf GC27 missionary reading THA-booklet.pdf GG27-missionary reading THA.pdf Missionary readin...