The Mission of the VDB Today (General Assembly 2019)
IN JOURNEY TOWARDS VDB GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 Next year 2018, we will begin the various phases of the journey that will bring us to the 8th General Assembly that will be held in 2019. Youth Synod 2018.tiff Rome, April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday ... -
Missionary zeal of Fr. Gaetano Nicosia (+ 2017, November 6)
Legacy of Fr. Gaetano Nicosia (1915-2017) SDB - Italian Missionary in China The full text of the interview (January 2007) Interview about the personal experience of Fr. Gaetano Nicosia about “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle’ 92 years old – CH... -
Catholic Community World Wide - 2019 Statistics (Mission Sunday)
World Statistics of the Catholic Church 2019 ENGLISH (2019 Statistics) Catholic Stats 2019 October.doc ITALIANO (2018) Dossier_Statistiche2018_FIDES_ITA.pdf.pdf ENGLISH (2018) DOSSIER_FIDES_STATISTICS_2017_ENG.pdf.pdf MESSAGE - POP... -
Cardinal Filoni - Missionary Animation Talks (2017)
Cardinal Fernando Filoni Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP) or "Propaganda Fide" (www.fides.org) >>> ENGLISH section JAPAN 2017 - talks (ITA, ENGLISH) from FIDES AGENCY Japan-Gospel proclamation Filoni 2017... -
Initial Proclamation of Jesus and DB Letter from Rome 1884
The Letter from Rome (1884) in light of Initial Proclamation of Jesus Christ Power point presentaion: Letter from Rome DB 1884-Initial Proclamation.ppt Text of the talk 2017.8.16 The letter from Rome of 1884, ENG.pdf 2017.8.16 ITA-Lettera ... -
Initial Proclamation of Jesus (posters - formation)
Posters produced by the THA province - missionary animation sector, 2017 for the EAO-SA Seminar on Initial Proclamation of Jesus Christ, Thailand n.2 n.3 n.4 n.5 n.6 n.7 n.8 n.9 n.10 n.11 n.12 -
Initial Proclamation of Jesus Today (ed 2017)
For download ENGLISH (SDB) PDF: Initial Proclamation Today 2017 ENG.pdf Word: Initial Proclamation Today 2017 ENG.doc ITALIANO (FMA) Il Primo Annuncio Oggi - ITA.pdf FMA - cycle of initial proclamation EAO-initial proclamation ITA.pptx Works... -
Initial proclamation of Jesus Christ in East Asia
2011 - MISSION STUDY DAYS (SAMPRAN, THAILAND) for download: EAO-2011 Initial Proclamation of Jesus.pdf 2015: Initial Proclamation in the city - Working paper (Rome, Nov 2015) City-initial proclamation ENG 2015.pdf 2017: Seminar of Animati... -
Missionary Formation UPS 2017
UPS ROME - 21st COURSE OF MISSIONARY PASTORAL Contents for download: lettera inspettori dalle Missioni xxi.en (may).pdf By Fr. Guillermo Basañes General Councilor for the Missions Ongoing formation course in missionary ministry Rome, Sale... -
Missions - Initial Proclamation of Jesus
Initial Proclamation of Jesus Christ by Fr. Alfred Maravilla For download: Initial Proclamation Today ENG.pdf For download: Il Primo Annuncio Oggi - ITA.pdf -
Salesian Missions Day 2017 - America
Salesian Mission Day 2017 - AMERICA (focus on indigenous people) VIDEO - text in English SMD 2017 Introduction-draft ENG.doc SMD 2017 Mapuche ENG.doc SMD 2017 Mexico CHINANTECHI ENG.doc SMD 2017 Mexico MIXES ENG.doc SMD 2017 Yanomami ENG.do... -
Salesian Mission Day 2017
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px '[YoonV] YoonMyungjo100_OTF'} … and they remained with us Initial Proclamation and the Indigenous Peoples of America GMS 2017_Libretto_EN.pdf -
FMA - 140 years of missions
Rome (Italy). Proclaim and bear witness ”to the young and with the young the Good News of Redemption” (C 8). On the 14th of each month we are invited to relaunch our being missionaries of hope and of joy accepting the invitation to form a... -
Fr John Lee Memory (1962-2010)
Fr. John Lee (KOR) memory 1962-2010. January 14 Movie: Don't Cry for me Tonj John Lee Tae-Dont Cry for me Tonj.docx BOOK: Will You Become My Friend? (Bible & Life Publications, Seoul, Korea - Caritas Sisters: 30th edition) John Lee-Shari... -
Project Europe SDB
Project Europe (SDB) 2008 start BASIC DOCUMENT OF PROJECT EUROPE: PE 2004 (First meeting of Europe provincials) PE 2004 RM conclusions ITA.doc (Fr. Chavez) PE 2008 (Second meeting of Europe provincials) + Fr Chavez PE 2008 Project Europe... -
Salesian Missionaries in Europe
SALESIAN MISSIONARIES IN EUROPE (ed. SDB, vol. 67, 2016) P. 264 Missionari Salesiani in Europa (2016).pdf - for download -
Missionary Group in formation houses
Missionary group in Salesian formation houses AFRICA - Utume theology community (AFE - Kenya) AFE_Utume missionary group-2016 action plan.docx AFE-Utume missionary group-Boscolink.docx -
Missionary Course UPS 2016
UPS, Rome 2016 Presentation letter of the Missions Councilor Corso Missioni UPS 2016 Lettera Ispettori ENG.docx Back page EAO participants in the UPS ONGOING MISSIONARY COURSE (1995-2012) UPS-missionary course EAO participants.doc -
Salesian Mission Day 2016 - Oceania
COME< HELP US! Salesian Mission Day 2016 - focus on Oceania for download: page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 Page 6 page 8 page page page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 15 page 17 page 17 page page page page page page page page page page page page pa... -
Lord Send Me - Salesian missionary vocation
Salesian Missionary Vocation Discernment Criteria 2015 HOW CAN YOU DISCERN SALESIAN MISSIONARY VOCATION? 1. Persons involved in the discernment process at (4) various levels - The candidate: evaluation, accompaniment by a spiri...