EAO Missionary Animation 2019 - Timor Leste
EAO meetings of the mission animation delegates Dili, November 11-15, 2019 Materials for download: Missionary animation annual report (available 9 province reports; missing MYM-PGS-THA) Main points of the sharing (download) EAO Missiona... -
Amazonia Synod and Salesians 2019
Materials for download: Amazon Synod Sintesis document.docx Presentation Synod Amazonia-Martin.docx Synod Amazonia-articles Martin ENG.docx -
A-L-P-H-A Course for youth interested in Jesus and life questions
Course for interested in Jesus For download: Basics of A-L-P-H-A COURSE Basics-international.zip Australia-annual report.zip -Course Australia-Collection 2019.docx Guidebook in cantonese (HK) -
Salesian Missionary Animation (Handbook of the Delegate)
Salesian Missionary Animation (Manual of the Provincial Delegate: PDMA) ed. 2019 For download: PDMA manual with annex.pdf (ENGLISH) Missionary Animation Handbook 2020 CIN 會省傳教策勵委員手冊.pdf (Chinese) PDMA manual without annex (wo... -
Don Carlo Braga (105 years of priestly ordination - April 11,2019)
In Memory of the 105th Anniversary of the Priestly Ordination Servant of God Don Carlo Braga SDB (11 April 1914 – 11 April 2019) by Fr. Lanfranco M. Fedrigotti SDB In the last page of his “autobiography” (written in 1962)[1], Don... -
2019 Salesian Mission Day - Africa: Mission to the refugee and IDP
CIN province celebrates the SMD always next year in February 2019 Salesian Mission Day - complete animation materials - 1. Poster A2: for education environment animation 2. Prayer card: for personal or community use 3. Videos: refugee... -
Salesian Mission Office Conference 2019
Rome - 2019 SALESIAN MISSION OFFICE CONFERENCE Conference materials: Program-timetable: EN Programme 0.5 EN.docx Identity of Mission Office:EN Identity EN.docx Solidarity and subsidiarity: Solidarity & Subsidiarity.docx Formation and fun... -
2019 October - Extraordinary Mission Month
SDB resource animation booklet (Missions Sector) 2019-extrord MISSION MONTH October - SDB.pdf (ENG) Baptized-sent KOR 2019 mobile.pdf (KOREAN) Salesian Family in Korea - Confrerence 2019 (September) KOR-SF and Missions-Mike WORKING d... -
Prayer for persecuted Christians
Prayer for the persecuted Christians Report ACN (Aids for the Church in Need) 2018 2018 Religious freedom full report.pdf Action and Prayer for -
Letter to the sick and aged Salesians 2019
General Councilor for the Missions Fr. Guillermo Basanes Annual Letter (November 11) to the sick and aged Salesians: Prayer and Offering for the Missions 2019 Letter for download 20191111_MISSIONI_Lett_Elderly_Sick_SDB_ENG.pdf ... -
China Martyrs-St.Versiglia and Caravario
2021, January 9 Centenary anniversary of Bishop Versiglia episcopal ordination in Canton (Guangzhou) Full text of OLIVE MESE article (ITA, ENG) for download: Versiglia-episcopal ordination 1921-2021.docx MARTIRI IN CINA, LDC 1976 (I... -
Proclaim! - Religious life means missions! (ed. 2016)
Proclaim! The document, Proclaim, was published by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on 29 June 2016. It is a follow-up of the Year of Consecrated life (YCL): 30 November 2014 – 2 February 20... -
Salesian Mission Day 2018 - animation (JPEG format)
Salesian Mission Day 2018 'Whispering the Gospel' in Asia 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 * 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 -
Salesian Mission Day 2018 - Whispering the Gospel (Asia - VTC)
Salesian Mission Day 2018 - Animation Booklet (44 pages - English) ANIMATION BOOKLET FOR DOWNLOAD (English) GMS - ing 2018.pdf INDEX: Whispering the Good News. Explanation of SMD 2018 Poster Contents ... -
Missionary Send Off event-ceremony-liturgy
For the use of the EAO programs of MISSIONARY VOLUNTEERS SEND OFF EVENT - CEREMONY - LITURGY COLLECTION SDB - LAY MISSIONARY VOLUNTEERS (Valdocco Liturgy) annual event on last Sunday of September 11 - Libretto_LITURGIA_EN_05.doc 10 - Libre... -
Don Bosco Missionary Dreams (5)
Don Bosco Missionary Dreams ITALIANO (1) DB-missionary dream 1..doc (2) DB-missionary dream 2.doc (3) DB-missionary dream 3.doc (4) DB-missionary dream 4.doc (5) DB-missionary dream 5.doc ENGLISH Overalll - commentary, reflections Vigano: AC... -
Don Bosco Dreams - 2017
DON BOSCO DREAMS - SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATIVE WISDOM Edited By Fr. Andrea BOZZOLO ROME 2017, 606 pages Content: 18 different articles about Don Bosco Dreams (ITALIANO) Don Bosco Missionary Dreams - Ferrero (ITA) Ferrero... -
Missionary Martyrs (Fides) 2010-2017
The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples - publish every year the list of MISSIONARY MARTYRS 2017 ENG: MISSIONARIESKILLED2017.doc.doc ITA: Missionari_uccisi_2017_def.doc.doc 2016 -
Whispering The Gospel - Salesian Mission Day 2018
Salesian Mission Day 2018 (GMS - Giornata Missionaria Salesiana 2018) SMD Animation booklet for download ENGLISH: GMS 2018 text eng 20180122.doc GMS 2018 text eng 20180122.pdf ITALIAN: GMS 2018 testo it 2018... -
Namuncura missionary experience - PNG
Summer time (Papua New Guinea) Missionary Exposure Experience of our Aspirants in the Gulf Province, Kerema diocese, Mary Help of Christian parish of Araimiri HANDBOOK FOR DOWNLOAD: Namuncurá Experience Handbook.pdf