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- Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations
- ANS, lexical bundles, phrase patterns
- bbgg.png
- Dictionaries!
- Don Bosco
- Don Bosco and Dialect
- Don Bosco and Language Policy
- Don Bosco and Words
- Don Bosco In Translation
- Don Bosco the Translator!
- Don Bosco’s Approach to Institutional Translation
- Don Bosco’s Concept of Language
- Don Bosco’s Direct Contact With Other Languages
- Fascination with lists
- Hagiography
- Handbook
- Handbook of Salesian Translation
- Harry Potter: two English translations
- Institutional Translation
- Inter- and Intra-lingual activity
- Introduction
- Italian morphology
- Key Translation Processes
- Language Learning through Translation
- Language Levels
- Levels of language: religious texts
- Machine Translation (MT)
- Metaphors for translation
- MT: DeepL
- Notes on an L1 text
- Notes on an L2 Salesian Text
- Post-translation Processes
- Punctuation
- Reporting verbs
- Salesian metaphors
- Salesian translation services
- Salesian translator as intercultural mediator
- Semantic prosody: English and Italian
- Snippets of Dialect
- Some translation problems and solutions
- Sounds and symbols: the translator's habitat
- Strenna Stress
- Tenses
- Terminology
- The Formation of the Salesian Translator
- The Levels of language
- The Salesian Translator
- The Spirituality of the Salesian Translator
- Translating sound effects
- Translation – mission and ministry
- Translation of reporting verbs in Italian
- Translation quality
- Translation: a glorious and priestly task
- Translator Formation
- When ‘notizie’ are not the news
- When translations are considered originals