EAO Good Night Talk (76)
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
01 July 2020
Dear confreres and members of the Salesian Family and friends,
Greetings to all of you from Vietnam. I am still “locked down” in Vietnam, since the Italian Embassy has not yet opened for Visa applications. I regret the fact that I cannot be present with the Rector Major and his Council, interacting physically with them face-to-face, which would be the best way. You know that the General Council is having its Summer Sessions.
Fortunately, with modern technology I can attend the daily meetings online. In such a way I have begun sharing in the real life of our Congregation as the Rector Major and his Council interact with local provinces and communities through their reflection, discussion and acts of governance taken for the good of the specific provinces. Maybe you have read the news of our Congregation through ANS (Agenzia iNformazione Salesiana): among the more important news, we have welcomed new provincials/superiors of provinces/vice provinces who have been appointed, and also confreres in charge of various areas of our Salesian services at the congregational level. Among them, with great joy, I would like to mention and ask for your prayers for the new superior of the Vice province of Papua New Guinea, Fr Gregorio Bicomong from the Province of the Philippines North, Bro. Dominic Nguyen Duc Nam, from the Province of Vietnam, who is the new Delegate of The Rector Major for the Salesian Cooperators and Past-Pupils Associations. Let us pray for them and collaborate with them in their new ministries.
My initial assessment is that those meetings have been very spiritual and formative for me. In just a few months I have been obliged to open my heart and my mind to the worldwide Salesian Congregation, with specific confreres, new territories, various services offered to poor youth. Our Congregation has so much potential.
One of the great resources we have, the first of them we might say, are the individuals themselves! Who can translate the Salesian charism into services if not the Salesians, the Salesian Cooperators, our friends of Don Bosco, the past-pupils, lay people in our parishes? Allow me to make some suggestions for all of us:
1- Learn more about Don Bosco, his spirituality and educative approach. Indeed, his educative and pastoral approach to the young is so very much relevant to now. Reading Part 3 of the document on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment, we see the ways that the Church wants the young to be accompanied by pastors and educators: “One is outreach, the way we attract new young people to an experience of the Lord. The other is growth, the way we help those who have already had that experience to mature in it.“ You see how Salesian this teaching is!
2- Make Don Bosco known in whatever circumstance we are living and working in. In particular, the young in our oratories/youth centres, schools, parishes. They are the ones who will continue the Salesian mission in the near future.
3- Let each of us make the effort to invite one, two or more people who are attracted to Don Bosco to take part in our journey with the young. Each encounter, whether it is in classroom, on the playground, on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, is indeed an opportunity. New non-traditional ways of contacting the young and lay people the ‘word in the ear’ [parola nell’orecchio] as Don Bosco passed on to us are open to us in our new Oratory circumstances. As sons of Don Bosco, let us grasp these opportunities as new resources. We will go ahead as God and the Church expect from us.
May God bless us all.
Fr. Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, SDB
EAO Regional Councillor
GOODNIGHT TALK - July 2020: So much potential!
幸い、現代のテクノロジーのおかげで、毎日の会合にオンラインで参加できます。総長とその評議会が、それぞれの管区の善益のために行う考察、話し合い、統治の働きを通して各地の管区、共同体とやり取りをする中、私はこのような形で、私たちの会が生きている現実を分かち合い始めました。皆さんはANS (Agenzia iNformazione Salesiana) を通して会のニュースを読んでおられるかもしれません:より重要なニュースの中には、各地の管区・準管区のために新たに任命された管区長・長上、また全会のレベルでサレジオの働きのさまざまな分野の責任者となった会員を迎えたニュースもありました。中でも、大きな喜びのうちに、パプアニューギニア準管区の新しい長上、フィリピン北管区出身のグレゴリオ・ビコモン神父と、サレジアーニ・コオペラトーリおよび同窓会連合を新たに担当する総長代理、ベトナム管区出身のドミニク・グェン・ドゥク・ナム修士を挙げ、皆さんの祈りをお願いしたいと思います。二人のために祈り、その新たな奉仕職に協力して働きましょう。
私たちが有している大いなる資源の一つ、その筆頭と言えると思いますが、それは一人ひとりの人間自身です! サレジオのカリスマを奉仕へと具体化するのは、サレジオ会員、サレジアーニ・コオペラトーリ、ドン・ボスコの友人たち、同窓生、私たちの小教区の信徒をおいてほかに誰がいるでしょう? 私たち皆のためにいくつか提案をさせてください:
• ドン・ボスコについてもっと知りましょう。ドン・ボスコの霊性、教育的な取り組み方を。実に、子ども・若者へのドン・ボスコの教育的、司牧的なアプローチは、今に至るまで非常に意味あるものです。「若者、信仰、そして召命の識別」の文書の第3部を読むと、教会の望む、司牧者や教育者による若者への同伴の形が見られます:「一つは外に向かって出かけ手を差し伸べること、主の体験へと、新たな若者たちをどのようにして惹きつけるか。もう一つは成長、すでに主の体験をした若者たちが成長できるよう、どのように助けるか。」この教えがいかにサレジオ的か、おわかりでしょう!
• 私たちが暮らし、働くあらゆる状況で、ドン・ボスコについて知らせること。特に、私たちのオラトリオ/ユースセンター、学校、小教区の子ども・若者たちに。近い将来、サレジオの使命を受け継いでいくのは、この子ども・若者たちです。
• ドン・ボスコに惹かれている人、一人、二人、もしくはそれ以上の人を、若者と共に歩む私たちの旅に招く努力を、私たち一人ひとりがしましょう。教室であれ、運動場であれ、あるいはユーチューブ、フェースブック、ツイッター、Whatsappであれ、実に一つひとつの出会いは貴重な機会です。ドン・ボスコが残してくれた「耳元にささやく言葉」(parola nell’orecchio)を若者や信徒に伝える、新しい、伝統にとらわれない形は、新たなオラトリオの状況において私たちに開かれているのです。ドン・ボスコの子である私たちは、新たな手段としてこれらの機会を捉えましょう。神が、そして教会が私たちに期待するように、前進しましょう。
EAO東アジア・オセアニア地域顧問 ヨセフ・グェン・ティン・フォック, SD