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(ENG-PDF format): gnfinal.pdf
(ENG-HTML format): goodnights1.zip
At the end of this six-year period (2014–2020) we offer this collection of 72 regional Good Night Talks to the 1500 Salesians of our East Asia-Oceania region and all members of the different groups of the Salesian Family.
After so many visits to our 12 provinces and almost 200 communities, I am more aware than ever of the charismatic importance of the ‘Goodnight’ in our daily community or pastoral life. It makes a huge difference – just compare a Don Bosco school without a good morning talk or Salesian education with a daily good morning talk. It is amazing how these brief but powerful daily moments transform the lives of many young people, Salesians and members of the Salesian Family. What makes the difference?
Don Bosco believed that this short daily opportunity brings many fruits: it helps to wrap up our life on a daily basis, builds up the community, trains us to take a faith perspective on our reality. We need this constantly renewed experience of sharing, storytelling in the life of a community (school, family, religious community, group home or boarding school). Listening to a personal life sharing daily or not listening to one – those two daily experiences are very different! As different as it is to interpret our complex world each day from a faith perspective, or not to do so. We are convinced that thanks to this invention of Mamma Margaret’s our life becomes richer and we find its meaning and deeper joy in living it.
Some 18 years after the establishment of our East Asia-Oceania region, I am happy to share this simple collection of ‘goodnights’, the result of ongoing monthly reflection, prayer based on some heart-touching events, encounters or deeper insights along my journey.
Our hope is that this simple collection could inspire our Salesian community rectors, leaders, lay mission partners or Salesian Family members to treasure this deep and charismatic opportunity of the 'goodnight' or 'goodmorning' talk. And we are also grateful to everyone who has made the publication of this collection possible in digital and paper form.
In Don Bosco,
ボナノッテ:東アジア‐オセアニア 2014‐2020
ドン・ボスコは、この短い日々のひと時がさまざまな実りをもたらすと信じていました:それはその日その日の歩みを締めくくる助けとなり、共同体を築き上げ、現実の状況を信仰のまなざしで見るように私たちを鍛錬します。私たちは共同体生活の中で(学校、家庭、修道共同体、グループホーム、学校の寮などで)、この絶えず新たにされる、分かち合い、物語りの体験を必要としています。誰かの生活の分かち合いに日々耳を傾けるか、傾かないか-両者には、日々の生活体験として大きな違いがあるのです! この複雑な世界を毎日、信仰の視点から理解するか、あるいはそうしないか、それほどの違いがあります。マンマ・マルゲリータの着想のおかげで、私たちの生活はより豊かなものとなり、私たちはその意味を見いだすことができ、生活により深い喜びをいただいていると、私たちは確信しています。