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Termbase: ad gentes

(:nl:)A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

---- (:comment Write term as a title in lower case except where upper case or capitals are normally required:) '+Term:+' (:comment Write term on this line, after this comment:) ad gentes '+Definition+': (1) ''Ad Gentes'' is the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church. Passed by the bishops assembled by a vote of 2,394 to 5, it was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965. The title means "to the nations" in Latin, and is from the first line of the decree, as is customary with Roman Catholic documents. (2) In his last words to the apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ gave them a mission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20). The 'go...all nations' is 'ad gentes' in Latin. ---- '''POS''' (part of speech). ''Can be more than one'':

     '''POS 1''': Adv/phrase     
     '''POS 2''': ---

'''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)'':

     '''Type 1''': LoanTerm     
     '''Type 2''': ---

'''Term status''':

     '''for POS 1''': General     
     '''for POS 2''': --- 

(General=''also found outside Salesian usage''; Salesian=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'')

'''Recommended equivalent''' (it):

(''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term. In other cases below, if the term has its source in another language, this will be indicated by an [S] following the term.'')

'''Recommended equivalent''' (es):

'''Recommended equivalent''' (fr):

'''Recommended equivalent''' (pt):

'''Suggested equivalent (other)''': ad gentes [S]

'''Other language''': Latin_la Language code chosen from IANA registry]


'+Geographical/Regional usage+':

'+Description+': One difficulty with taking 'ad gentes' out of its original linguistic context, to develop it into an over-arching missionary approach, is that it can be interpreted ethnocentrically. It is "missionary activity proper", in the view of ''Redemptoris Missio'' and is directed to peoples among whom the Church has not been firmly established and whose cultures have not yet been influenced by the Gospel, people who are found in certain geographical areas for the most part. At the same time RM, in no. 37 opens up other vistas for ''missio ad gentes'', vistas which today the Congregation further describes as new frontiers: • the megacities of our world "where a new humanity, so to speak, is emerging, and where new models of development are taking shape" (RM no. 37); • the youth who cannot be evangelised by "the ordinary means of pastoral work" (ibid.); • migrants and refugees; • those living in situations of poverty; • the new culture emerging in the mass media; • and new areas of activity such as "commitment to peace, development and the liberation of peoples, the rights of individuals and peoples, especially those of minorities, the advancement of women and children, safeguarding the created world.

'+Context (examples of use)+':

'+Other notes+': The missionary vocation ''ad gentes'' is regarded as a special vocation, not one given to every person. Jesus called some from amongst his disciples to accompany him and go with him to preach to the people (cf. RM no. 65)

(:toggle hide box1 button=1:) >>id=box1 border='1px solid #999' padding=5px bgcolor=#edf<< This section is intended for authorised users to add new information or alter existing information ------------------ (:zapform key=Pos:) '''POS''' (part of speech). A term may be more than one POS (1) (2)

(:zapend:) (:zapform key=Type:) '''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)'' (1) (2) [Initialisms like AGC are regarded as acronyms; a term like 'Bro.' is an abbreviation; an example of short form instead would be the main part of a very long book title (most of DB's book titles! 'Giovane Provveduto' is a short form). A loan term is not translated whereas a calque is. A blend is where two (or more) morphemes or 'word' parts have been combined to form a single term, as in the case of 'austraLasia'. Choose variant when there exists at least one other common form of the term. ] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Status:) '''Term status''' (General=''also found outside Salesian usage''; Salesian=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'') (1) (2) [Archaic refers to terms that have fallen out of regular use. Deprecated indicates official disapproval or if not disapproval, official abandonment at least. A neologism is a term that has come into play relatively recently - say, since Vatican II, but the time frame can be flexible.] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Equivit:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (it). ''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term''


(:zapform key=Equives:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (es)


(:zapform key=Equivfr:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (fr)


(:zapform key=Equivpt:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (pt)


(:zapform key=Equivot:) '''Suggested equivalent (other)''' (Where it is the source term indicated with [S] and appropriate language code [chosen from IANA registry])

(:zapend:) (:zapform key=Code:)


(:zapform key=Def:) '+Definition+' [The definition should not be imagined! It is assumed that it exists either in a reputable dictionary (or at least in similar words) or in some authoritative Salesian reference (e.g. the Constitutions, AGC or similar public document, Lenti's 7 volume series, and so on] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Syn:) '+Synonyms+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Reg:) '+Geographical/Regional usage+' [Certain terms are common in restricted parts of the Congregation. We have one 'prior' but only in INB; in some parts of Asia the Salesian community is called a 'convent', but not elsewhere] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Des:) '+Description+' [Etymological information, mostly] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Con:) '+Context (examples of use)+' [English usage, obviously] (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Note:) '+Other notes+' [Room here for more personal observations, private opinion if felt to be useful] (:zapend:) >><< MI(:pos1: Adv/phrase:) (:pos2: ---:) (:type1: LoanTerm:) (:type2: ---:) (:status1: General:) (:status2: ---:) (:equivot: ad gentes [S]:) (:code: Latin_la:) (:def: (1) ''Ad Gentes'' is the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church. Passed by the bishops assembled by a vote of 2,394 to 5, it was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965. The title means "to the nations" in Latin, and is from the first line of the decree, as is customary with Roman Catholic documents. (2) In his last words to the apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ gave them a mission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20). The 'go...all nations' is 'ad gentes' in Latin. :) (:des: One difficulty with taking 'ad gentes' out of its original linguistic context, to develop it into an over-arching missionary approach, is that it can be interpreted ethnocentrically. It is "missionary activity proper", in the view of ''Redemptoris Missio'' and is directed to peoples among whom the Church has not been firmly established and whose cultures have not yet been influenced by the Gospel, people who are found in certain geographical areas for the most part. At the same time RM, in no. 37 opens up other vistas for ''missio ad gentes'', vistas which today the Congregation further describes as new frontiers: • the megacities of our world "where a new humanity, so to speak, is emerging, and where new models of development are taking shape" (RM no. 37); • the youth who cannot be evangelised by "the ordinary means of pastoral work" (ibid.); • migrants and refugees; • those living in situations of poverty; • the new culture emerging in the mass media; • and new areas of activity such as "commitment to peace, development and the liberation of peoples, the rights of individuals and peoples, especially those of minorities, the advancement of women and children, safeguarding the created world. :) (:note: The missionary vocation ''ad gentes'' is regarded as a special vocation, not one given to every person. Jesus called some from amongst his disciples to accompany him and go with him to preach to the people (cf. RM no. 65):) (:nl:)

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Page last modified on September 30, 2010, at 11:28 PM