From PmWiki

PmWiki: Forms

(:nl:)(:Summary:How you can embed input forms into wiki pages:) This page explains how you can embed input forms into wiki pages.

Input forms don't actually handle processing of the form data -- the feature simply allows creation of forms inside wiki pages. Forms processing can be found in the Cookbook (see below).


Two directives are used to begin and end forms:

    (:input form "''url''" ''method'':)
    (:input end:)

The (:input form:) directive starts a form that will post to ''url'' (optional ''action=''url) using the supplied ''method'' (optional ''method=''method). The ''url'' must be in quotes if not specified via ''action=''. If the url is omitted, then the current page is assumed. If ''method'' is omitted then "POST" is assumed. An optional name="FormName" argument can be used to name the form. You can explicitly state @@action=url@@ or @@method=get@@ or you can simply use them as positional parameters.

If your site uses ?n=Group.Page to specify the pagename then having a field (:input hidden name=n value={$FullName}:) will allow your form to post to the current page as an alternative to fully specifying the action=url.

The (:input end:) directive ends the current form.

Note that this feature doesn't ensure that the form output is correct HTML -- it assumes the author knows a little bit of what he or she is doing. Notably, (:input form:) and (:input end:) shouldn't appear inside tables, and all form fields and controls should be inside an (:input form:)...(:input end:) block.

Standard input controls

The standard input controls are:

    (:input text ''name'' ''value'' size=''n'':)
    (:input hidden ''name'' ''value'':)
    (:input password ''name'' ''value'':)
    (:input radio ''name'' ''value'':)
    (:input checkbox ''name'' ''value'':)
    (:input select ''name'' ''value'' ''label'':)
    (:input default ''default-name'' ''default-value'':) 
    (:input submit ''name'' ''value'':)
    (:input textarea ''name'' ''[=value=]'' rows=''n'' cols=''n'':)
    (:input reset ''name'' ''label'':)
    (:input file ''name'' ''label'':)
    (:input image ''name'' ''"src"'' ''alt'':)

Where ''name'' and ''value'' are in the HTML syntax: name="addr" value="808 W Franklin".

For most controls the markup has the form:

    (:input ''type'' ''name'' ''value'' ''parameter=value'':)

where ''type'' is the type of input element (described below), ''name'' is the name of the control, ''value'' is its initial value, and parameters are used to specify additional attributes to the control. If ''value'' contains spaces, enclose it in quotes; if it contains newlines (for textarea and hidden elements), enclose it in [=...=].

For example, the following creates a text input control with a size of 30 characters:

(:input text authorid "Jane Doe" size=30:)

For convenience, an author can also specify name and value arguments directly using name= and value= attributes (same as HTML):

(:input text name=authorid value="Jane Doe" size=30:)

For the @@textarea@@ control a value can be set from PmWiki 2.2.0beta45 onwards. Enclose the value in [=...=] if it contains spaces or new lines.

The submit control will more often be written as:

    (:input submit value=''label'':)

Here's a more complete example, e.g., for a login prompt:

(:input form "":)
(:input hidden action login:)
||     Name:||(:input text username:)    ||
|| Password:||(:input password password:)||
|| ||(:input submit value="Log In":) ||
(:input end:)


General form field attributes

* (:input ... focus=1:) Setting @@focus=1@@ causes that field to receive the initial focus when the form is first opened. * The following advanced HTML attributes are supported: @@name, value, id, class, rows, cols, size, maxlength, action, method, accesskey, tabindex, multiple, checked, disabled, readonly, enctype, src, alt@@. For a more detailed description, see their counterparts in the w3c reference: HTML forms (not all of them can be used for all types of form fields).

(:input select ... :)

The basic form of a select box is a sequence of options:

(:input form:)
(:input select name=abc value=1 label=alpha :)
(:input select name=abc value=2 label=beta  :)
(:input select name=abc value=3 label=gamma :)
(:input submit:)
(:input end:)

The values can be specified positionally:

 (:input select abc 1 alpha :)

We can specify the size of the selection box:

 (:input select abc 1 alpha size=3 :)

You can specify a multiple select box:

 (:input select abc 1 alpha size=3 multiple:)

To have an element selected, use @@selected=selected@@:

 (:input select abc 2 beta selected=selected:)

Note that to have two select boxes inline, not only should you give them different @@name=@@ parameters, but also place a separator, like a character,   or even the null sequence [==] between them:

(:input form:)
(:input select name=FIRST value=1:)(:input select name=FIRST value=2:)[==]
(:input select name=SECOND value=3:)(:input select name=SECOND value=4:)
(:input end:)

See Also

*Cookbook:Input Default *Cookbook:Form Validation *Cookbook:Form Extensions *Cookbook:Input Forms and JavaScript

Compatible recipes: * Cookbook:PmForm * Cookbook:Fox * Cookbook:Wiki Forms * Cookbook:ProcessForm


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Page last modified on September 11, 2011, at 01:08 AM