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Cafasso Giuseppe Cagliero Giovanni Calosso Camerette cammino campo di.. cancelliere canonizzazione capacità per il dialogo.. capire Roma per Toma capitolo della casa Capitolo Generale Capitolo Generale Speciale Capitolo Ispettoriale capitolo superiore cappellano car ij mè fieuj carisma carisma del fondatore carisma salesiano Carissimo Sig. Teologo carità carità educativa carità pastorale Carta della Missione Carta di comunione Carta di spiritualità casa Casa di Beneficenza casa annessa casa che accoglie Casa Generalizia Casa Madre Casa Pinardi cascina Casetta Castelnuovo d'Asti castità consacrata catechesi catechismo Catechist Sisters.. catechista causa.. CDB Ceferino Namancurá celebrazione liturgica celebret cenciosi Cenni Storici Cenno Istorico Cenno Storico centri vocazionali Centro Catechistico Salesiano Centro di animazione di tempo libero Centro di Studi Don Bosco centro giovanile Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane Centro Salesiano Pastorale Giovanile Centro Studi di Storia delle Missioni Centro di formazione Ceria Eugenio ceti popolari Chávez Villanueva ]chiericato... chierico chiesa Chiesa nel mondo chiesa pubblica Chiesa universale Cholera Asiaticus Christifideles Laici Cinque lustri circoscrizione civiltà clericale clima clima di famiglia coadiutore cocca Codex Iuris Canonici collaboratore Colle Don Bosco collegio colloquio Commissione Ispettoriale per la Formazione Comollo Luigi compagnia Compagnia del Piccolo Clero Compagnia dell'Immacolata Concenzione Compagnia di San Luigi Gonazaga compagno competenza professionale comune comunicazione sociale comunione comunione e condivisione comunione ecclesiale comunione fraterna comunità comunità di accoglienza vocazionale comunità cristiana Comunità educativa Pastorale comunità formatrice comunità locale comunità salesiana condizione Confederazione Mondiale Exallievi/e Don Bosco conferenza Conferenza delle Ispettorie Salesiane di Italia Conferenza di San Vincenzo de' Paoli Conferenza Interispettoriale Italiana conferenza ispettoriale confessione confessione e comunione confessore confidenza confratello Confronto confronto congregati Congregazione consacrazione consacrazione religiosa consenso consigliere consigliere di orientamento consigliere generale consigliere mondiale consigliere scolastico consiglio della comunità consiglio della opera consiglio generale consiglio superiore consiglio ispettoriale consigli evangelici consiglio mondiale consistenza qualitativa e quantitativa consulta consulta mondiale consultazione contabilità generale contemplazione contestazione conti economici contributo annuale convent convitto convitto ecclesiastico convivenza umana coordinatore provinciale Cooperatore Salesiano Salesiano Cooperatore coordinatore generale |coraggio Corpo di Cristo corpusdb correzione fraterna cor unum et anima una coscienza costituzioni crescita umana Cristo, l'uomo perfetto cristologia salesiana criteri e norme di discernimento vocazionale salesiano criterio oratoriano croce cronaca della casa Crònicchetta cultura cultura dei media cuore oratoriano curatorium curia

Cafasso Giuseppe [IT]Cafasso, JosephMember of the Turinese clergy, first encountered by young John Bosco when the former was a 1st year student of theology at the seminary. DB tells us that it was from Cafasso that he first learned of the importance of the liturgy as the priestly theatre and recreation. We normally continue to use the Italian 'Don' rather than 'Fr' since it is an historical reference. Interesting to note that Don Bosco occasionally spelt the name as ''Caffasso''.When Don Bosco enrolled at the ''Convitto Ecclesiastico'' Cafasso was a professor of theology there. By 1846 he was the Rector. Don Bosco says of Cafasso that his secret was his tranquility, always smiling, always courteous, always kind. Cafasso was one of the important sources of the Salesian style and the Preventive System.
Cagliero Giovanni [IT]Cagliero, JohnAs a boy, a member of the first group to be invited to form the Salesian Society at the Oratory. On 26th January 1854, Cagliero, Rua, Rocchetti, Artiglia, together with Don Bosco, gathered in his room at his request and the proposal was made to exercise practical charity towards their neighbour. This event was also the first when the name Salesian was applied. He became the first Salesian Bishop while Don Bosco was still alive. Later became Cardinal. Led the first missionary expedition. Famous photo of Don Bosco handing over the Constitutions on the occasion of the departure to Argentina in 1875.
Calosso (Don) [IT](Fr) CalossoThe young John Bosco's priest-friend whom he loved more than a father, by his own estimation. Calosso set him on his way as a young student, but also in terms of spiritual direction. The death of Calosso and subsequent events were also decisive in Bosco's spiritual journey.
Camerette [IT]Don Bosco's RoomsReference to the rooms built by Don Bosco and where he lived at the time, at the Oratory. These days converted to a museum in memory of Don Bosco.Viganò ACG328: ..visita alle camerette di Don Bosco, il dialogo con gli operatori della scuola da riunire nella cattedrale di Torino
cammino [IT]path, journey, curriculum, approach..Needs to be seen in context. Literally a pathway or journey, but can refer to a variety of things of this kind. In reference to the GC23 document on ''Education to the Faith of the young'' Fr Vecchi uses both terms, ''cammino'' and ''itinerario'', the latter meaning something more purposeful by way of a curriculum of faith. Note: ''Cammino di educazione alla fede'' as a typical context. Occasionally it might also be glossed in English as 'approach'. The journey theme has a biblical background, and the particular energy for the Salesian journey of faith, helping young people in their journey of faith, is our spirituality.Chavez ACG380:...cammino formativo e spirituale;
campo di... [IT]...fieldThe term ''campo'' is general in its use and perhaps best expresses the vastness of the field. Other references to 'sector' or 'department' are much more specific in their usage in the Salesian context. 'Ambit' or 'area' is similarly specific for the FMA.Viganò ACG289: ..designa l'indole propria e ne individua i destinatari, assegnandoci un campo di 'pastorale giovanile'
cancelliere [IT]chancellorOne of the roles of the provincial secretary. Cf. 3.2.1 ''Elementi Giuridici''.EG03-Il Segretario Ispettoriale: Ci significa che il Segretario ispettoriale ha funzione di 'notaio' o 'cancelliere'..
canonizzazione [IT]canonisationThe ultimate step in a long process which begins with the decree of heroic virtue.Vecchi ACG374:..recente la canonizzazione di Mons. Luigi Versiglia.
capacità per il dialogo e per la comunicazione [IT]a capacity for (ability with) dialogue and communicationAmongst the many abilities required of the Salesian, especially today, this capacity is given a degree of special emphasis.
capire Roma per Toma [IT]to mishearsaying at time of Don Bosco
capitolo della casa [IT]House Chapternow deprecated as a term. Referred to now as the 'council of the community'.PV12: il CG XIX, per uniformare le denominazioni di tutti gli organi della Congregazione, deliberava che il 'Capitolo Superiore' prendesse il nome di 'Consiglio Superiore', così come il '0Capitolo della casa' si sarebbe chiamato 'Consiglio della casa'.
Capitolo Generale CG [IT]General Chapter GCThe principle sign of unity in diversity of the Congregation, a General Chapter is a means by which the entire Society seeks to know the will of God, in a particular moment of history, in order to serve the Church better. (C. 146). The first GC was held in 1877, one year after the definitive approval of the Society. DB was present for the first four, until 1886.
Capitolo Generale Speciale CGS [IT]Special General Chapter SGCThe Special General Chapter was requested of all Religious Institutes after Vatican Council II in the Motu Propio ''Ecclesiae Sanctae''. For Salesians it was also the 20th General Chapter. The aim, as spelt out in ''Ecclesiae Sanctae'', was to begin the path of renewal and adaptation, (revision of the Constitutions) as well as a return to the Founder's primitive inspirations, by means of a wide and free consultation of members
Capitolo Ispettoriale CI [IT]Provincial Chapter PCThere is also, from time to time a ''Special Provincial Chapter''. English is more likely to capitalise these terms.RATIO CH4: Il Capitolo ispettoriale, in particolare, in quanto "riunione fraterna nella quale le comunità
capitolo superiore [IT]Superior ChapterNow obsolete and referred to instead as General Council.Viganò ACG332: confessarsi da lui; fu invitato qualche volta anche alle riunioni del Consiglio generale (allora 'Capitolo superiore').
cappellano [IT]chaplainThe term applies to the priest who is a chaplain for religious services, e.g. for a local community of Sisters. At times it may be preferable to use the complete descriptive term, i.e. chaplain for religious servicesChavezsalvrag: ..proprio la sua dura esperienza di cappellano nelle carceri torinesi,..
car ij mè fieuj [IT-PI]my dear childrenPiedmontese dialect and regularly used by Don Bosco to address either his boys or his Salesians. Cf. comment on giovani for a better sense of what ''fieuj'' can mean in certain contexts.
carisma [IT]charismThe term is relatively recent in Salesian discourse - not to be found in the letters of Fr Ricceri, for example. But abundant in those of Fr Viganò. Vat. II has provided the contemporary ecclesial (and Salesian) understanding of the term - graces widely distributed among the faithful to the point where we can talk of the charismatic structure of the Church as distinct from its organisational structure.Vecchi ACG376: missione e del Fondatore, il desiderio di continuare il suo carisma e di far vivere il suo spirito..
carisma del fondatore [IT]Founder's charismVat II did not yet speak of ''charism of the founder'' but ''spirit of the founder''. Ultimately Fr Viganò preferred neither spirit nor charism but patrimony or perhaps heritage. Synonymous terms: primitive inspiration, particular vocation.Cartcomunione:.. carisma del Fondatore. Essa si inserisce nella pastorale delle chiese locali dando il proprio originale..
carisma salesiano [IT]Salesian charismThe term has two references, one being wider than the SDB context, viz., the charism of St Francis de Sales. But it has to be said that normally Salesians mean Salesian charism of Don Bosco, even when they do not specify the complete term. In this sense it is something fairly general, something that can be lived by the different groups in the Salesian Family or even beyond it. We talk of 'inculturating' (perhaps more properly 'enculturating'?) the Salesian charism in today's world and in various cultures. It has many dimensions (e.g. Marian) and a distinct style.Chavez ACG385:.. inculturarsi in questo ambiente, facendo dono della propria vita nel carisma salesiano.
Carissimo Sig. Teologo [IT]Dear FatherA salutation often used by Don Bosco in his letters
carità [IT]charityDesramaut includes the term among his 100 key words of Salesian spirituality. It could not be otherwise. Cf. ''carità educativa'' directly below. From the very beginning, from the famous promise of charity, DB spoke of the exercise of charity toward one's neighbour as the purpose of his incipient Society.Chavez ACG380: ..carità e servizio,..
carità educativa [IT]educational charityCharity, love of God is at the core of Salesian spirituality and finds its expression in particular and distinctive ways for the Salesian, education and pastoral ministry. The phrase appears to be characteristic of Fr Vecchi rather than Fr Viganò. There are no examples of the latter employing it.Vecchi ACG354: ...Si è plasmata come carità educativa. Mosso dalla passione...
carità pastorale [IT]pastoral charityRATIO Ch12:.. dalla carità pastorale e in riferimento ad essa"
Carta della Missione della Famiglia Salesiana [IT]Salesian Mission StatementInspirational document produced in 2000 for the entire Salesian Family. One sometimes hears reference to 'card', as in Mission card or 'identity card', which in the latter case is a separate document. Certainly the first makes little sense in English; the second does make sense (people hold identity cards after all) but the nature of the document is more a 'charter' than it is a mere legal document.Chavez ACG380: Accompagnare lo studio della Carta di Comunione e della Carta della Missione della Famiglia Salesiana.
Carta di comunione nella Famiglia Salesiana [IT]Common ID CardWe could add: 'of the Salesian Family'. Inspirational document produced in late 20th Century.Chavez380: Accompagnare lo studio della Carta di Comunione e della Carta della Missione della Famiglia Salesiana.
Carta di spiritualità della Famiglia Salesiana [IT]Charter of Spirituality for the Salesian FamilyThis document is not yet in existence! But Fr Chavez has spoken of the need for it and his intention to see that it is drawn up
casa [IT]House (Community)Note that in Salesian terminology it is more likely to refer to a community, work or Salesian presence. The Italian word has broader meaning also of 'home'. It is worthwhile recalling this factor (the 'family' feel of 'casa') since there is a tendency today to speak more often of our ''opere'' or 'works'. An authoritative commentator on Don Bosco's times, especially on life at the Oratory, A. Caviglia, points out that Don Bosco's Oratory had to be a home, i.e. a family, not just a 'collegio'. The various 'Lives' (of young people) that DB wrote also stress this family atmosphere. It is essential to the Preventive System. (A. Caviglia, ''La vita di Besucco francesco.''.. pp 157-58. But there is also the ''Casa religiosa'' or 'Religious House' understood in canonical terms as a public non-collegial juridical person.SDB-Regolamenti: Dove la situazione lo consente, si proceda all'erezione canonica della casa
Casa di Beneficenza [IT]Charitable InstitutionNote the wider sense in the extended ''casa di beneficenza''
casa annessa [IT]The Annex, Home attached to the Oratory1847 DB began a work of 'recovery' for youngsters deprived of a place to live, by taking up some more space in the Pinardi House. It began simply as a place from where they could attend school or go to work in the city. It gradually became a boarding school and was the beginnings of the ''convitto-collegio'' experience.DBCenni Storici: ...questo bisogno si studiò di provvedere colla casa annessa e detta anche Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales.
casa che accoglie.... [IT]A home that welcomes...C.40 and the central, normative Constitution of the Congregation. This is otherwise known as the oratory criterion.Cf. C. 40 : una casa che accoglie, parrocchia che evangelizza, scuola che avvia alla vita e cortile per incontrarsi da amici e vivere in allegria.
Casa Generalizia [IT]Generalate, General HouseTo be distinguished from the Direzione Generale, though this latter is housed in the Casa Generalizia.Viganò ACG304: In gennaio, prima di partire per Dakar, avevo potuto assistere, qui nella Casa Generalizia...
Casa Madre [IT]Mother HouseRefers to Turin, Valdocco, always, whereas occasionally these days the ''Casa Generalizia'' (Rome) is referred to as the ''Casa del Padre'', or the Father's house, not to be confused with heaven!!.CG20-3: BONGIOANNI Don Egidio - Direttore Casa Madre di Torino 24.
Casa Pinardi [IT]Pinardi House (Shed)Reference to the beginnings of the Oratory and the famous snatch of conversation recorded by Don Bosco between himself and Pancrazio Soave offering 'a laboratory' instead of 'an Oratory' (Recorded in the ''Memoirs of the Oratory''). Cf. also tettoia (shed).DBcenstor: In quest'anno fu presa a pigione e di poi comperata casa Pinardi nella regione Valdocco, dove sorse l'Oratorio ...
cascina [IT]farmhouseThe term ''cascina'' refers to a sizeable farmhouse and to the farmlands connected with it. (Source: Lenti, Don Bosco History and Spirit Vol 1 p. 34). The cascina was a social-agricultural unit usually of moderate size (say, 20 acres), with one central building that originally house an extended family. The man who ran the farm and lived with his family in a section of the farmhouse was called a ''massaro''. In the case of the ''Biglione cascina'' at The Becchi, they lived in Turin and employed a tenant farmer who lived at the ''cascina''. The tenant farmer was termed a ''mezzadro'' or half sharecropper, since according to unwritten Piedmontese law he worked for half the produce. Francis Bosco was this person at the ''Biglione cascina''.
Casetta [IT]The Cottage, little houseThe place where Don Bosco grew up (home) at The Becchi is referred to in Italian as the ''Casetta''. In some English varieties we cannot use 'little house' (which has the connotation of 'outhouse') 'Small home' maybe, or simply 'home', but other English varieties refer to this entity as 'The Cottage'.Chavez ACG385:.. estremi confini della terra". Dall'umile Casetta dei Becchi alla Città di Torino, da Torino a tutta...
Castelnuovo d'Asti [IT]Castelnuovo d'AstiIf it were translated into English which of course it is not, it would be rendered as Newcastle-belonging-to-Asti. Don Bosco, in his life of Dominic Savio, describes the town as being 10 miles from is a little further in reality. Castelnuovo d'Asti has since been renamed as ''Castelnuovo Don Bosco''. As a town area or municipality it includes Murialdo, and The Becchi, so is significant not only for its association with Don Bosco and family but also Dominic Savio, Don Cafasso, Don Calosso, to name a but a few.DBdomsav: Castelnuovo d'Asti, paese distante dieci miglia...
castità consacrata [IT]consecrated chastityThe term in its complete form here was not used by DB. He spoke of the vow of chastity in general, though he also writes of purity as the virtue whereby we become fully consecrated to God. Today we speak of consecrated chastity, consecrated celibacy, celibacy for the Kingdom of God, evangelical chastity...Costituzioni:.. La castità consacrata per il Regno è un "dono prezioso della grazia divina dato dal...
catechesi [IT]catechetics (also catechesis)In the NT the verb form indicates oral instruction. In its use today (especially following ''Catechesi Tradendae'' 1979) it has a much broader application. Don Bosco presented his life of instructing the young in faith as an act of catechesis, not so much with that word itself, but in practice. His term for his work, though, was often expressed as ''fare catechismo''. The Oratory began with such an act, as expressed in the story of Bartolomeo Garelli. In fact for DB it began as early as ten years of age, gathering youngsters around the barn at home.ACG385(orientfragvoc):..che implica una solida catechesi con una iniziazione alla vita sacramentale, alla devozione mariana,
catechismo [IT]catechism (in sense of catechetics or extended programme)Note that in DB's context ''fare catechismo'' meant much more than teaching religion. It was almost synonymous with the Oratory. The major reference for this term is DB's letter to Vicar Marquis Michael Cavour (March 13, 1846).DB Ratazzi: ..virtù ed orrore al vizio, coll'insegnamento del catechismo e con appropriate istruzioni morali;
Catechist Sisters of Mary Immaculate and Help of Christians SMI [EN] see leftFounded in 1948 in Krishnagar by Bishop Morrow SDB. Members of the Salesian Family
catechista [IT]catechistIn Salesian contexts it used to apply to a role ' a priest in the community who responsibility was that of a spiritual moderator. The term is still used in some Salesian places e.g. Philippines but not everywhere else.DBricdirett: direzione - affidata al Catechista.
causa di canonizzazione [IT]Cause of canonisationNew rules came into force through the Apostolic Constitution ''Divinus Perfectionis Magister'' 1983. A 'cause' in juridical terms, is something brought to a tribunal. A 'process' is the set of actions taken over time. Cf also canonizzazione, beatificazione, Servo di Dio
Ceferino Namancurá [IT]Ceferino (or Zephyrinus) NamancuráA moot point: In the US the tendency is to Anglicise names but in any number of instances, Saints 'from the South' with Spanish names remain that way (Juan Diego...), hence ''Ceferino''. The British think otherwise and argue that since the newly beatified's feast falls on 26th August and Pope St Zephyrinus (after whom he was named) has a memorial on that day (though not in the Universal Calendar), then we should adopt ''Zephyrinus''. It raises the whole question of naming - in general, the rule is to anglicise all Christian/first names except where there are well-recognised continuations of the original form (as in the cited case for some Spanish names in the US). The 'Ceferino/Zephyrinus' case showed up the importance of not simply adopting the Italian version in English translation - in this case the Italians have several versions: Zefirino, Zeffirino, even Zefferino, Zeferino.
CDB [IT]CDB Cf. Volontari Con Don Bosco
celebrazione liturgica [IT]liturgical celebrationThe term is included among Desramaut's 100 words of Salesian spirituality. It presents no particular linguistic problem. Salesian tradition always regarded attention to the Church's disposition in this area seriously: 'clear, distinct and devout pronunciation of the words of the divine office' would be one example. Today, in line with contemporary ecclesial thinking, liturgical celebration is seen as an important aspect of who we are as Christian and Salesian.RATIO CH11: La celebrazione liturgica della professione perpetua abbia una solennità che la distingua
|celebret [LA]celebretA document from the Bishop or Religious Superior allowing a priest to celebrate Mass
cenciosi [IT]wretchesliterally 'in rags'.
Cenni Storici [IT]Historical SketchesCf. Also ''cenno istorico'' and ''cenno storico'' immediately following. Don Bosco wrote several ''cenni storici'' as preambles to major documents, e.g. To the articles of the Constitutions, to applications for both diocesan and pontifical approval of the Congregation. In the 1862 version DB describes the beginnings of the Oratory as a response to the situation of young people on the streets, in factories, and in prison ' all at risk for want of religious instruction.DBpianreg: .. ideologizzate rispetto alla rievocazioni più tardive (Cenni storici 1862, Memorie dell'Oratorio 1873).
Cenno Istorico [IT]Historical SketchPresented in Rome 1874, its full title was ''Cenno istorico sulla Congregazione di S. Francesco di Sales e relativi schiarimenti'' (Historical Note on the Congregation of St. Francis de Sales and certain clarifications)
Cenno Storico [IT]1854, ''Cenno Storico dell'Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales'', later joined by a version in 1862, ''Cenni Storici''DBtrelet: "IL PIANO DI REGOLAMENTO" E IL "CENNO STORICO" DELL'ORATORIO DI S. FRANCESCO DI SALES
centri vocazionali [IT]centres for vocational discernmentDepending on context this term may refer to a centre for religious or priestly discernment or for a more general discernment for young people as to their life direction.
Centro Catechistico Salesiano [IT]Salesian Catechetical CentreFounded in 1939 by the then RM Fr Peter Ricaldone
Centro di animazione di tempo libero [IT]Leisure CentreNot necessarily the same entity as a youth centre, however.
Centro di Studi Don Bosco [IT]Don Bosco Study CentreFounded at UPS 1973 as part of the post-conciliar development of a scientific historical study of the Salesian charismCG20-2:... d) pianificare i mezzi più idonei per garantire lo sviluppo del 0Centro di Studi Don Bosco
centro giovanile [IT]youth centreBe aware that there is actually a distinction in theory between Oratory and Youth Centre (cf. R. 11,12) but it rarely applies in practice. There is also, according to GC21 a third term, the combination of Oratory-Youth Centre. This is an environment open to all ages and appropriately managed for each age group. GC21 nos 121ff offer descriptions and definitions of both entities. For the Youth Centre it suggests that it is an environment for older youth (''giovani'' as distinct from ''ragazzi''), is attentive to their needs, is based very much on group relationships, personal contacts and commitment. It often has a variety of activities like sports, cultural activities.Chavez ACG379:..proporlo a ciascun ragazzo del nostro oratorio o centro giovanile o scuola, con le parole...
Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane CNOS [IT]National Centre for Salesian WorksAn entity with legal status in Italy
Centro Salesiano Pastorale Giovanile CSPG [IT]Salesian Youth Ministry CentreThe term refers to an institution in the Italian context. It could be used more generally however.
Centro Studi di Storia delle Missioni [IT]Study Centre of rhte History of the Salesian MissionsFounded 1975, UPS.
Centro di formazione [IT]Formation CentreFor translators, the Italian term may be a 'false friend'. Rarely if ever does it refer to a place for initial or ongoing Salesian religious formation (these are called Study Centres). Instead the term refers more to what we in English would call 'education'. However, the term may often be applied to a centre of Salesian formation (or Christian formation) for lay people. Cf. formazione, formation.
Ceria Eugenio [IT]Ceria, EugeneAn early biographer of St John Bosco. Cf M#MB |Memorie Biografiche]] and the A#an |Annali]] (Annals of the Society).
ceti popolari [IT]ordinary peopleThe gloss chosen here is that of C.29. Similar Italian terms: ''ambienti popolari'', ''adulti del basso popolo'' (DB)
Chávez Villanueva, Pascual [ES] Chávez Villanueva, PascualFr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva was elected Rector Major by the 25th General Chapter, 3rd April 2002; he is the ninth successor of Don Bosco and the first non-Italian of non-Italian parentage to lead the Congregation (Fr Vecchi was Argentinian but of Italian parentage).
chiericato, far il [IT]to prepare for the priesthood
chierico [IT]clericA term in canon law for one who has received the tonsure but in Salesian circles it has often been used more broadly. In written language we should retain 'cleric' only for the canon law sense and otherwise use 'seminarian' or 'practical trainee', depending on circumstances. Don Bosco's 'clerics' (who were not officially clerics in canon law) were often no more than 16 years of age. In the Indian Salesian Provinces, a decision has been taken to use the initials Cl. in writing (and hence to apply the term 'cleric' in spoken language) to distinguish a Salesian in formation towards priesthood, from the Salesian Brother in formation.PV5:.. salesiano presbitero o diacono (o 'chierico');
chiesa [IT]churchNo question that church as a concept is fundamental to DB's thinking, but no question too, that our post-Vatican II understanding of Church differs greatly from DB's, centred so much on institution and papacy. The term, at least in English, is capitalised when in reference to the broader concept ' without capitals if talking about a specific place. unless it is 'the Church of... 'Formazione specifica:.. vocazionale del confratello e della comunità e agli orientamenti della Chiesa" (FSDB 447).
(la) Chiesa nel mondo [IT](the) Church in the worldThe Church-world relationship in our own times was the reason for Pope John XXIII convoking Vatican II. Understandably it finds multiple reference in Salesian post-conciliar documentation and thinking. The new understanding of the Church's presence in the world has caused a crisis in spirituality. We do not understand Don Bosco's ritiratezza or fuga mundi quite so easily, the value of consecrated life is put in question, authority is questioned, and people lose their bearings in the acceleration of history.
chiesa pubblica [IT]public churchA canonical term. A church open to public worship. They are often not clearly delineated in provincial statistics but they do exist.EG12-Comunicazione fra segretaria ispettoriale e segretaria generale: (locale o ispettoriale), parroco, preside di scuola, incaricato di oratorio, rettore di chiesa pubblica,
Chiesa universale [IT]universal ChurchThe term originates from the Magisterium of the Church. At Vatican II it was expressed also in the image of the 'People of God'. The Universal Church is seen as the communion of Particular Churches dedicated to the service of humankind in different countries and cultures. To understand how the papacy functions in the Church, we must understand that the Universal Church is not a Diocese of the Pope, but he represents the communion of Particular Churches headed up by Bishops. Another term in this discussion, then, is 'collegiality'. 'Universal Church' contrasts with 'Particular Church'. We normally capitalise both terms in English. C.59 makes reference to the place that the Congregation has in the Universal Church.Cartcomunione:..famiglia Salesiana, sia nella Chiesa universale, che in Don Bosco ha riconosciuto e riconosce ...
Cholera Asiaticus [LA]Asian (Strain) of choleraItalian term is ''colera''. The Latin ''cholera asiaticus'' is the formal term for the cholera epidemic that struck Turin in the 1850's, summer 1854 to be precise, striking the Borgo Dora in a particularly bad way. 1,438 of the 2,533 struck down, died. The parish in which the Oratory was located lost 53% of its people.
Christifideles Laici [LA]On the vocation and mission of the lay faithfulOften quoted simply in its Latin form, this is the Post-Synodal Exhortation of John Paul II published 30th December 1988.
Cinque lustri [IT][usually untranslated]''Cinque lustri di storia dell'Oratorio salesiano fondato dal sacerdote D. Giovanni Bosco''. (1892). By Bonetti, a chronicler of Don Bosco.
circoscrizione [IT]circumscriptionThe term has a canonical and juridical meaning which applies to any province, vice province or separate district. Its specific Salesian meaning is for an area under direct responsibility of Rector Major or his Vicar, as in the Special Eastern Circumscription, or the General House itself (a circumscription that includes confreres in communities elsewhere, e.g. the Vatican), or the more recent CCI or Central Circumscription based on Rome.PV6:..una determinata circoscrizione (cf. Cost. l6O),
civiltà [IT]civilisation or perhaps 'Social refinement' as in Civiltà CattolicaWhat we have here is a concept, one which Desramaut selects as one of his 100 words of Salesian spirituality. As a term it appears infrequently in Salesian texts though it is evident in DB's own writings. Certainly many synonyms (good manners and the like) are part of Salesian practical approach to civilisation.DBCircolari:.. e affatto prive di ogni idea di religione e di civiltà.
clericale [IT]clericalAs used in Canon Law to define the nature of certain Religious Institutes. The term 'sacerdotal', by contrast, is a less restrictive term than the canonical one.RATIO Ch7:.. l'abito clericale, cureranno il vestire semplice e dignitoso che Don Bosco consigliava
clima [IT]atmosphereA synonym in Italian is ''ambiente''
clima di famiglia [IT]family atmosphere/spirit/environmentA Constitutional term (C.47), synonymous with family spirit and descriptive of the educative community.Viganò ACG326:...esperienza di vita educatori e giovani in un clima di famiglia, di fiducia e di dialogo
coadiutore [IT]Brother (Coadjutor)Salesians in a number of English-speaking countries tend not to use the term lay brother. There has always been some variation in the English terminology, perhaps pointing to a more significant difficulty. If we consider the Italian term ''coadiutore'', we also sense a difficulty, even in Don Bosco's use of the term. Its origins are from the Latin ''Fratres coadiutores'', an ecclesiastical term from earlier times (glossed as Lay Brother in English). It fails to pick up Don Bosco's clever concept of the true Salesian expressed by the lay dimension. The term 'Lay Salesian' (Italian ''salesiano-laico'') has gained some currency in recent times and seems more adequate. Cf. also LaicusCostituzioni: Il salesiano coadiutore porta in tutti i campi educativi e pastorali il valore proprio
cocca [IT-PI]gangPlural ''cocche''. Literally a flat, round hearth cake, but in reality the term employed around the 1850's, 60's to describe the gangs in Turin and particularly around the Valdocco neighbourhood. Hence the ''Cocca Gambero'' (Crab Gang), ''Cocca Moschino'' (the Moschino district was one of the most unruly)..
Codex Iuris Canonici CIC [LA]Code of Canon Law CCL
collaboratore [IT]helper, co-worker, collaboratorNote that 'collaborator' still carries negative connotations in some parts of the English-speaking world. An alternative term could be 'lay partner' or even, depending on the degree of collaboration, 'lay mission partner'.Viganò ACG350: Occorre tener presente che il termine 'collaboratore' comprende differenti categorie di persone..
Colle Don Bosco [IT]Colle Don BoscoRemains untranslated; a place name for where Don Bosco was born - 'the hill', literally. Today it refers to the entire complex of buildings and memories of Don Bosco's childhood and is a place of pilgrimage dominated by the large Temple. There is also the Hill of the Beatitudes nearby.
collegio [IT]boarding school (college)The term today may translate simply as college, but in Salesian contexts it has always implied boarders. Be aware that in the US 'college' would be an inaccurate rendition, applying as it does only to a post-secondary institution. The 'invention' of the Salesian ''collegio'' was a significant development in DB's later period. It gives rise to ''collegializzazione'' in Italian, barely translatable in English. The Annex or House Attached was effectively the beginnings of the ''collegio''.DBCircolari: Annunzio pertanto che il Capitolo Generale suddetto si terrà nel nostro Collegio...
colloquio [IT]friendly talkWhat Salesians once called the ''rendiconto''. Some still use this latter term.SDB-Regolamenti: I confratelli in formazione iniziale faranno una volta al mese il colloquio con il direttore
Commissione Ispettoriale per la Formazione CIF [IT]Provincial (or Province) Formation CommissionA body such as this is also in more general terms an animating body in the Province.
Comollo Luigi [IT]Comollo, LouisJohn Bosco's best friend as a boy, whom he met in the 5th year of high school (Retorica, Ginnasiale) 1833-4. The first biography from Don Bosco's pen is the life of Comollo, whose burial site has been discovered under the sanctuary in the Church in Chieri next to what was the seminary there (now a government school).
compagnia [IT]sodalityThe Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, of the Blessed Sacrament, of St. Joseph, of St. Aloysius. Also (in reference to the Oratory) the ''Piccolo Clero'' (altar boys), and Conference of St. Vincent de Paul started by Don Bosco at the Oratory in 1854 or 1855. The term compagnia reflects the post-Tridentine nomenclature of religious associations. To render it in English as 'company' may lead to confusion with a business model. Fundamentally it is an association, a society. Only the word 'sodality' is obsolete. The idea has today been taken up in other ways under the general heading of 'Salesian Youth Movement' and 'Salesian Youth Spirituality. See below.DBpianreg: Anno 1847. Fu stabilita la compagnia di s. Luigi con approvazione dell'autorità ecclesiastica:
Compagnia del Piccolo Clero [IT]Altar Boys Society (Sodality)
Compagnia dell'Immacolata Concenzione [IT]Immaculate Conception Sodality
Compagnia di San Luigi Gonazaga [IT]St Aloysius SodalityThe first such sodality formed by Don Bosco not long after he had settled into the Pinardi House permanently. 1847, formed for extern oratorians. Its rule was approved by the archbishop on 12th April 1847. This sodality was the model for all the others. In 1854 it had a particular moment of glory when its members formed groups of volunteers among cholera sufferers in Turin. Not a single member was affected by the disease.
compagno [IT]friendWhile it is nearly always possible to translate ''compagno'' with 'companion', the sense of the term in English can often be simply 'friend' or 'schoolmate', and this might be the best way to go first off.Viganò ACG313: Giovanni Bosco: un compagno allegro, duttile, intelligente, campione, entusiasta di Gesù Cristo e del suo Vangelo.
competenza professionale [IT]professional competenceThe term is found in two contexts in Salesian documentation, either as an objective of education, or as a necessary quality of the educator. In this latter sense it is synonymous with other competencies, such as pastoral and pedagogical competence. To carry out the Salesian mission one requires a professional competence as well as other factors - spirituality, zeal, community....,Costituzioni:.. competenza professionale e la formazione culturale.
comune [IT]municipality, townApplied generally to a larger entity than a ''frazione'' - Castelnuovo D'Asti (as it was in DB's time) could be called a ''comune'', in which case it may include all the smaller habitations that come under it - a parish in the secular as well as the ecclesiastical sense.
comunicazione sociale [IT]social communicationAn ecclesial term stemming from the Decree ''Inter Mirifica'', Vat II. It is not true that the term 'social communication/s' should always be glossed as 'media' in English. Often it can be and certainly in non-formal, non-specific reference, but the Church has made a point of using this term and has its own clear meaning for it. Sometimes pluralised in both Italian and English. Occasionally capitalised. Cf also Media
comunione [IT]communionWhile the translation is obvious, the meaning these days is more likely to refer to something like the spirit of communion and solidarity, or a deep sense of communion in the fraternal community. The term with these meanings appears among Desramaut's 100 words of Salesian spirituality. For Don Bosco it only meant Holy Communion and often appeared in conjunction with 'confession'. He would also talk of 'frequent communion'. .RATIO Ch12: .. comunione pastorale con la Chiesa universale e locale, il rapporto con il mondo giovanile ...
comunione e condivisione [IT]communion and sharingThe term was especially selected for emphasis by GC24 in relationships between Salesians and laity in carrying out the mission and living in the spirit of Don Bosco. This is manifested particularly in the Educative and Pastoral Community (EPC).Synonymous terms in Salesian literature are 'co-involvement' and 'co-responsibility' (or shared responsibility)..Rfalleg4: "Salesiani e Laici: Comunione e condivisione nello spirito e nella missione di Don Bosco"
comunione ecclesiale [IT]ecclesial communionEcclesial communion is the core teaching of Vatican II. The term, but not the concept, was unknown to Don Bosco. Fr Viganò and subsequent Rectors Major have helped Salesians to re-read Salesian experience in the light of this term. We begin with the reality that EC stems from our Baptism, but is then re-enforced through religious consecration. In the spirit of EC we are in a communion of vocation with others in the Church, especially laity. Ecclesial communion in Salesian style is relationships lived with ''bontà'' (kindness); the Salesian Family is an example of EC. Don Bosco's love for the Pope as the centre of unity in the Church is today seen as love for the role and person at the core of ecclesial communion. In educating the young to the faith, we educate them to a practical understanding of ecclesial communion. Along with this term we find many others similar in concept or drawing from it: ecclesial community, ecclesial service, ecclesial ministry....Viganò ACG306: Tessitore di comunione ecclesiale..
comunione fraterna [IT]fraternal (brotherly) communionWhere once we would have used the term 'common life', we now speak of fraternal communion. It is one element amongst several others, of our Gospel project of life: evangelical counsels, apostolic mission, fraternal communion and spirituality. The term has its modern origins in the teaching of Vatican II about religious life. Cf also vita fraterna in comunità.RFcap03: La vocazione salesiana vissuta nella comunione fraterna e nel rapporto educativo-pastorale.
comunità [IT]communityObviously a term with wider meaning, but in a Salesian context it usually refers to the religious community. Juridically there is a distinction between 'community' and 'house'. The community implies members who live in the same residence. The house, on the other hand, is the entire complex of people, works, goods, buildings.Seminario PDO:.. o fomentando il EPP dell'ispettoria, le comunità locali e i differenti settori dell'attività.
comunità di accoglienza vocazionale [IT]Vocational Guidance Centre
comunità cristiana [IT]Christian communityThe term refers variously to the original community described in Acts of the Apostles, to parish communities, or as a more general reference to any Christian community.Strenna05:..credenti richiede una chiara e significativa testimonianza della comunità cristiana...
Comunità educativa Pastorale CEP [IT]Educative and Pastoral Community ECPThe term describes an entity broader than the Salesian community but with the Salesian Community as animating nucleus. Could have variant forms but usually in this form.CG25comunità1:.. alla presenza degli SDB nella Comunità educativa pastorale (CEP)..
comunità formatrice [IT]formative (or formation?) communityApart from the obvious reference for the term, it is used in a more general sense to refer to the Province or the Salesian community, since formation is an constant factor throughout life.Viganò ACG306...l'educatore delle vocazioni. Capirà facilmente perché la sua casa deve trasformarsi in una comunità formatrice..
comunità locale [IT]local communityNormal term of reference used in the Constitutions to refer to the juridical public person that is the religious house. There is a distinction between local, provincial and world communities. The term 'community' implies relationships between people rather than a static structure or material goods. C.175 refers to the local community as being made up of confreres living in a legitimately erected House, living a common life in unity of spirit, under the authority of a superior, working together for the same apostolic purpose.Rfcap04:.. Si mantiene in dialogo costante con la comunità locale ed ispettoriale,...
comunità salesiana [IT]Salesian communityThe term may refer to a particular community or to the Salesian community in its worldwide dimension. GC23 used a number of synonyms to describe the Salesian community: sign, school of faith, centre of communion and participation. GC24 described it as a charismatic community constantly developing the charism of Don Bosco. It is typified by family spirit. Neither the SC as a worldwide reference nor that involved in a particular geographical situation, exists for itself, but for the world of the young. In this sense it bears responsibility for the educative and pastoral mission to the young. This responsibility is carried out by regarding the Salesian community as an animating nucleus within the Educative and Pastoral Community.CG25MESSAGGI:..La nostra riflessione sulla "comunità salesiana oggi" ha riconfermato in noi la...
condizione [IT]situation, condition, status..Not always to be glossed as 'condition'. It often refers to social status e.g. lower class, poor, whatever. GC23 studied the 'youth situation' or 'youth reality': ''condizione giovanile''Vecchi ACG377:..Comprendere la condizione degli anziani..
Confederazione Mondiale Exallievi/e Don Bosco [IT]World Don Bosco Past Pupils ConfederationThe president is known as the Confederal President. Note the 'of Don Bosco.' All Salesian Past Pupils have this distinctive addition.
conferenza [IT]conferenceDon Bosco used the term from his earliest practical intentions to form a permanent group around him. He was already gathering young men like Rua and Cagliero in 1852, giving them ''conferenze''. Then there was the famous ''conferenza d'adesione'' on 18 December 1859 when he had invited some 17 or so young men to openly form the Congregation of St.Francis de Sales. It was at this meeting, or conference, incidentally that the first official document of the Salesian Society was written.DBscritti: ..od una conferenza alla sera, e questa versi su qualcuno dei novissimi.
Conferenza delle Ispettorie Salesiane di Italia CISI [IT]Conference of Salesian Provinces of Italy
Conferenza di San Vincenzo de' Paoli [IT]St Vincent de Paul ConferenceBegun by Don Bosco at the Oratory in 1854 or '55, based on that founded by Vincent de Paul in Paris in 1833. The Conferences of St Vincent de Paul, introduced from Lyons, were very active in Turin and supported DOn Bosco's work. Count Carlo Cays (later a Salesian), was the first Director of the Conferences. Don Bosco chose a group of lads and formed a conference at the Oratory. Although the St Vincent de Paul did not enrol young people as members, they met Don Bosco halfway, and the Oratory group was affiliated as 'Adjunct'. (From a footnote by Arthur Lenti in DB History and Spirit vol 3, p. 29).
Conferenza Interispettoriale Italiana [IT]Interprovincial Conference, Italy
conferenza ispettoriale [IT]provincial conferenceA group of provinces (term adopted first at the 19th GC).SSCS:..Compiti della Conferenza ispettoriale nel settore della qualificazione dei salesiani...
confessione [IT]confessionIn Don Bosco's time it was simply 'confession' or the 'Sacrament of Penance,' and remained so until Vatican II. Nowadays we refer to it more often as Reconciliation or Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession and Communion were the two pillars of education for DB. cf also Penitenza
confessione e comunione [IT]confession and communionOften with both nouns capitalised (in English) since they are sacramental references. We recognise the phrase as one of Don Bosco's frequent references: in his Biography of Francis Besucco, Ch 19 he writes categorically: "Say what you like about the various systems of education, but I do not find any other secure basis other than frequent Confession and Communion...". For his own part, it is clear where Don Bosco gained his early appreciation of these two sacraments - he indicates in the Memoirs of the Oratory than when he put himself readily into Don Calosso's hands, he began to learn of the spiritual life. "He encouraged me to be frequent with Confession and Communion and he taught me how to make a daily short meditation or some time for spiritual reading".DBtrelet: Raccomanda costantemente frequenza dei sacramenti della confessione e comunione.
confessore [IT]confessorIn Salesian discourse this would always be the priest who hears confessions. The term is pronounced with the accent on the 'con.' An entirely different meaning is attached to the word in Church history, as a category of ultimate witness, not a martyr.Viganò ACG306:...Direttore pensato da Don Bosco era anche 'confessore'. - nell'amministrazione del sacramento della Riconciliazione
confidenza [IT]confidenceAn important term for Don Bosco who frequently recommended confidence in one's confessor, confidence in the Superior, confidence in Mary Most Holy, confidence in God the loving Father. At the first meeting between Don Bosco and Dominic Savio we note the mutual confidence between the two, (expressed by Don Bosco explicitly in his account of the meeting) from the very beginning. This confidence flowered into holiness. We could say, then, that the term is a candidate for being a key term in Salesian youthful spirituality.DBtrelet:...Dare a tutti molta libertà e molta confidenza. Chi volesse scrivere al suo superiore, o da lui...
confratello [IT]confrereThe term 'confrere' (plural 'confreres') has been anglicised from the French, without accents, and is used in connection with brothers in religious life. The female gender works easily enough in Italian (''consorelle'') but not so easily in English, where a circumlocution is preferred.DBscritti:..rendiconti. Ogni confratello poi sappia che, se li farà bene, con tutta schiettezza..
Confronto [IT](Youth) MeetingSome parts of the English speaking world would say 'Youth Gather'. This is not a standard form. 'Gather' has sense of a sports meeting on those rare occasions when it is used as a noun. Perhaps it can also remain untranslated, at least amongst Salesians.Viganò ACG328:.. la Buona Notte ai giovani del Confronto DB/88, il dialogo con i sacerdoti e i religiosi, la visita al Battistero di
confronto [IT]discussion, contact, analysis, facing up to, looking at...The term ''confronto'' (lowercase 'c') as often employed in Salesian texts today appears in collocation with a variety of prepositions (e.g. a ''confronto di''..), but not necessarily. However, it can receive a variety of glosses in English, perhaps none of them suggesting the idea of confrontation as the word might suggest. The underlying concept for the Italian term is that of engaging with someone or something, either in discussion/debate or a coming to terms with. In 11 instances of the Italian term in GC25 texts, it receives 9 different glosses in the English texts! At times some of these are perhaps a little weak for what the Italian text really represents.PGmanCapitolo 5:.. una sistematica riflessione e confronto tra la realtà e gli obiettivi fissati:..
congregati [IT]gathered membersTerm employed by Don Bosco to distinguish members who lived in as religious from other extern members. The term is now only of historical interest. Cf also aggregati.
Congregazione [IT]CongregationUsually in sense of 'The Congregation' (SDB). Not used of the FMAs, who prefer 'Institute'. But consider the Salesian history of the term, especially with lower case 'c'. It was 1859 before the Salesian Society formally came into existence, yet for ten years prior to that, and according to Don Bosco, virtually from 1841, a group of priests had banded together to help him with the work of the Oratory in 'una specie di congregazione'. Here the term is used in its more general sense for the time, e.g. the Marian congregations, groups of the faithful who banded together for pious or charitable purposes. Don Bosco called his helpers, who recognised him as superior, but did not take vows, the Congregation of St Francis de Sales. He had various terms for the members: allies, associates, benefactors, promoters, cooperators. When Pius IX suggested a vowed and more formal group, the name proposed and accepted was the Pious Soicety of St Francis de Sales. In fact Don Bosco retained the original 'family', the COngrgeation of St Francis de Sales, for his 'extern' Salesians. When forced to drop that concept from the Constitutions (which he wanted to be for a mixed group), he re-organised the original body into the Salesian Cooperators.EG00-Introduzione diritto e prassi salesiana: Congregazione religiosa, la volle ben organizzata in modo che a uno stile di famiglia nell'esercizio...
consacrazione [IT]consecrationRefers to an act on God's part rather than human endeavour. But in Salesian tradition, an earlier meaning of human endeavour was predominant, such as the Salesian consecration to the Heart of Jesus by Don Rua in 1900 and to Mary Help of Christians in 1918 by his successor. This kind of language was part of Leo XIII's vocabulary, after all. 'Act of consecration' may possibly mean 'act of entrustment' if it is by human beings toward God, Mary; Vatican II and afterwards saw a revised understanding that it is God who consecrates and we who entrust ourselves.CG25alleg2:..consacrazione apostolica, come espressa nell'articolo 3 delle Costituzioni.
consacrazione religiosa [IT]religious consecrationSynonyms: ''sequela Christi'', apostolic consecration, religious profession. It is about the Lord who calls, in love, freely, and who gives a person the grace to respond in love. When we speak of religious consecration, the discourse is less about something legal or juridical, and more connected with the biblical notion of covenant between the Lord and ourselves.Viganò ACG348:..Quando noi parliamo di 'consacrazione religiosa' ci collochiamo ben al di sopra di una semplice orbita legale..
consenso [IT]consent, consensusA canonical term which appears at every level of government in the Congregation, even at local level, e.g. a confrere cannot dispose of material goods 'without the consent of the legitimate superior'. It is to be noted that at times the Constitutions require both consent and opinion from a Council. In English the word can be glossed, according to context, also as consensus, but this implies a group mutual agreement, as in a Council agreeing to a proposal by the Provincial. There are times when this consensus (which amounts to consent) must be sought by secret vote, e.g. when a member seeks permission for temporary absence from the Religious House.SDB-Regolamenti:..l'ispettore, col il consenso del suo Consiglio, in dialogo con il Rettor Maggiore,
consigliere [IT]councillor (councilor [EN-US])Governing role e.g. at local level or world levelCostituzioni:.. I consiglieri incaricati di settori speciali sono: il consigliere per la formazione,...
consigliere di orientamento [IT]counsellorAs in a school counsellor. Another terms used by the State (Italy) is ''assistente sociale'' which is probably more of a social worker.
consigliere generale [IT]general councillorGeneric term for one elected to a role on the General Council, though often distinguished from Sector Councillors, who are also general councillors.ACG360 animedpastcom: Il Consiglio della comunità assiste e collabora con il Direttore..
consigliere mondiale [IT]world councillorTerm used in Salesian Cooperator governing structure.
consigliere scolastico [IT]prefect of studiesLargely obsolete now as a termDBCircolari:..Generale, e ragioni di tale scelta. - Nuovo Prefetto. - Nuovo Consigliere Scolastico...
consiglio della comunità [IT]community councilOften called simply, though possibly incorrectly, house council
consiglio della opera [IT](Parish....) councilSomething of a problem to correctly express in English. Definitely NOT council of the work, which sounds awkward and is meaningless in English. Best to consider what the actual council or group is and call it by that name - parish or school or other council.
consiglio generale [IT]general councilThe current term for the group who closely assist the Rector Major in his task of animation and government.SSCS: ACG -Atti del Consiglio Generale
consiglio superiore [IT]superior councilNow an obsolete term
consiglio ispettoriale [IT]provincial councilA body of reflection and pastoral decision which collaborates with the provincial in all that concerns the animation and government of the province.PV10:..Consiglio della comunità di residenza e a livello di Consiglio ispettoriale..
consigli evangelici [IT]evangelical counselsThe more complete phrase encountered by Salesians in their texts is "the practice of the evangelical counsels", or "the profession of the evangelical counsels". The term evangelical 'counsels' is synonymous with the vows. Theologically (Scripturally) speaking the more correct reference might be 'evangelical imperatives', but counsels is the word that has stuck in common religious parlance, and besides there has been long debate over the centuries, usually on a Catholic-Protestant divide about the difference between precepts and counsels and whether the Gospel demands are for all or for some.PV7:.. di Gesù, di cui i tre consigli evangelici sono classica espressione.
consiglio mondiale [IT]world councilSalesian Cooperators have a World Council (and a provincial council, local council)
consistenza qualitativa e quantitativa [IT]the right quality and numberthe more Latinate direct gloss of the Italian is to be avoided as being too heavy (qualitative and quantitative).Chavez ACG378: ...consistenza qualitativa e quantitativa della comunità, ad approfondire i rapporti tra comunità e opera...
consulta [IT]advisory body (council)These bodies exist at a range of levels in the Congregation - world, regional and provincial, at least.CG24:..costituzione e favorisca il buon funzionamento della Consulta locale...
consulta mondiale [IT]world advisory body (council)There are a number of such advisory councils for different sectors of Salesian activity.Chavez ACG390:...Consulta mondiale di comunicazione sociale, che si è svolta a Roma nel luglio 2004...
consultazione [IT]consultationA form of discernment in use in religious life especially.SDB-Regolamenti:.. per stabilire le modalità della consultazione previa alla nomina dei consiglieri
contabilità generale [IT]accounting
contemplazione [IT]contemplationThe term appears among Desramaut's 100 words of Salesian spirituality. It can be found in the language of both Francis de Sales and Don Bosco. There is today a renewed understanding of Salesian life as that of the 'contemplative in action'.Chavez ACG387:..Una spiritualità che armonizza contemplazione e azione.
contestazione [IT]dissent1968 was the classic year of student dissent throughout Europe, with huge student demonstrations and battles between progressives and others. The Salesian PAS (Rome)and other studentates were no exception to this movement, perhaps not as outwardly violent as in secular institutions, but enough to warrant concern from the Rector Major and his Council.Viganò ACG295:.. rottura con i superiori, il disaccordo e la contestazione;
conti economici [IT]profit and loss account
contributo annuale [IT]quotaThe appropriate financial contribution which each Salesian community gives each year for the needs of the province. Cf. R.197.EG11-Amministrazione dei beni temporali: Contributo annuale delle Case per l'Ispettoria
convent [EN]conventThis term is used sometimes to designate the Salesian residence. Elsewhere it is generally restricted in its use (in English) to the residence of female religious. In Philippines, in Japan and elsewhere in Asia, Middle East it is often used in reference to male religious communities (possibly because Franciscan male communities are regularly referred to as convents, hence The Conventuals). In India, a ''convent school'' is any English medium school offering elementary education. This would not be the case, for instance, in Australia where a convent school would normally be run by religious women or under the auspices (since now there are so few of this category) of a women's religious community.
convitto [IT]boarding schoolThe term was common in the 19th Century to indicate boarding or resident schools. DB often uses ''ospizio'', also a boarding institution but generally for the underprivileged. The ''convitto'' developed into a ''convitto-collegio'' or boarding school for Don Bosco within a very few years. In the case of the ''Convitto Ecclesiastico'' (see immediately below) where Don Bosco attended a post-seminary course, the term may either be left untranslated or rendered as Pastoral Institute'.PV5:...Il convitto e il pensionato (Reg 15) sono un servizio che...
convitto ecclesiastico [IT]Pastoral Institute (Turin)Full title: ''Convitto Ecclesiastico di San Francesco d'Assisi''. Don Bosco enrolled in 1841DBpianreg:..Ma il regime di comunità, qual è il convitto ecclesiastico di S. Francesco di Assisi, il silenzio e la...
convivenza umana [IT]human society, social existence...Literally the term means living together as human beingsVecchi ACG371: ..La comunicazione sociale riempie il mondo e determina la forma della convivenza umana.
coordinatore provinciale [IT]provincial coordinatorTerm belonging to the Salesian Cooperator structure of government
Cooperatore Salesiano [IT]Salesian CooperatorThe current official term for the Salesian Cooperators in Italian is ''Salesiano Cooperatore''. See immediately belowPV:..Promuoviamo anche la vocazione del Cooperatore salesiano.
Salesiano Cooperatore [IT]Salesian CooperatorA person who belongs to the Salesian Cooperators founded by St John Bosco and members of his Family. Don Bosco's struggle to establish the Association of the Salesian Cooperators as recognised by the Church involved his use of the term 'Third Order', but he expressly said 'in the style of...' (''a modo del Terzo ordine'') clearly indicating that his concept was a new one. In Salesian Tradition we do not use the term Third Order because neither SDB nor FMA have ever been referred to as 1st and 2nd Order. The term now in use (officially recognised in the 2007 RVA [PAL in English]) is ''Salesiano Cooperatore'' or more often than not in its plural form ''Salesiani Cooperatori''. While the change appears not to be significant for English, it is more evidently so for Italian, where ''Salesiano'' is understood in this phrase to be a noun rather than an adjective. ''Cooperatore'' becomes the qualifier. But a similar argument, linguistically consistent, follows for English: by rights the term should now be 'Cooperator-Salesian' (the hyphen marks the issue a little more, suggesting that 'Salesian' is in fact being qualified by 'Cooperator' (as it is now in Italian). The perception is not this, of course, so in a sense the 'problem' has now been transferred to English! An additional hyphenating issue concerns the word 'Cooperator'. SHould it be 'Co-operator'? As we do not normally hyphenate 'cooperation', 'cooperative', it seems we should not hyphenate 'cooperator'.
coordinatore generale [IT]Coordinator GeneralThe term is applied to the leader at world level of the Salesian Cooperators.
coraggio [IT]courageA term which appears among Desramaut's 100 words of Salesian spirituality but which is also clearly part of DB's practical vocabulary. It was a term suggested as the second quality he should develop in his dream at nine years of age. The Italian term ''forza'' can also mean courage. Fr Ricaldone said ''siate forti'' to his Salesians during his term of office.DBGiovprov:..Coraggio adunque, miei cari, datevi per tempo alla virtù,..
Corpo di Cristo [IT]Body of ChristThis well-known ecclesial image has a number of synonyms: Church, Universal Sacrament of salvation, Temple of the Spirit, People of God. It has an older, more complete form as The Mystical Body of Christ. Its best known reference in contemporary ecclesial and Salesian context is to the charism of the Founder which is an experience of the Spirit handed on to his disciples to be lived, preserved, deepened and constantly developed in harmony with the Body of Christ in continual growth. (''Mutuae Relationes'' 11)Vecchi ACG375...comunità come primo soggetto della missione ecclesiale, come Corpo di Cristo,
corpusdb [LA]corpusdbA neologism in reference to the corpus of some 270 Salesian texts which are the source of information for this Glossary and Thesaurus.
correzione fraterna [IT]fraternal correction
cor unum et anima una [LA]of one heart and soul/mindIn Italian, ''cuor solo e anima sola''. We find the phrase first of all in Don Bosco's introduction to the life of St Dominic Savio. We then find it again in the Letter from Rome where he is addressing the problems of the Oratory spirit. Again it appears in his spiritual testament as a description of the way members of a community should be in unity with their rector. Yet again in DB's letter ''ai soci salesiani'' on the approval of the Constitutions. It was repeated by General Chapters, especially from GC 20 onwards. No surprise then to find the same phrase in the renewed Salesian Constitutions.CG20-6: ..affinche tutti realmente possiamo sentirci cor unum et anima una
coscienza [IT]conscience, awarenessWhen Don Bosco employs this term it is almost always in terms of the moral faculty of the individual, hence he talks of matters of conscience. He quotes Pius IX as telling him of the necessity of vows for the fledgling Salesian Congregation so that members would be bound by bonds of conscience with their superior. In more recent times, other than GC23 which also spoke of the formation of moral conscience as part of education to faith, the word often takes on a more general meaning of awareness.SGS:.. Si educano al rispetto delle persone. Si formano una coscienza retta..
costituzioni [IT]constitutionsThe term came into use from 13th Century. Prior to that it was simply called a 'Rule'. Abbreviated in English as C. The Fourth Lateran COuncil (1215) had determined that the only three Rules recognised were the Basilian, Augustinian and Benedictine Rules. All subsequent foundations were based on these. But to meet local circumstances, they produced 'constitutions'. Gradually, these came to be recognised as, in fact, the 'rule' by which the group was living. The foundation of the 'modern Congregations' (e.g. the Jesuits) meant a further transition in the understanding of constitutions. Don Bosco, in the 1860's when he was beginning to think in terms of constitutions, made no clear distinction between rules, constitutions, regulations, statutues and regulatory structures, but the Church was beginning, already in 1863, to reform and streamline its approach to these matters. Cf. Decretum Laudis.
crescita umana [IT]human development, growth of the personA term found frequently in Salesian contemporary literature which treats of the focus on the development of the human being as human - either in terms of formation or as part of the ministry to the young, involving them in their own growth as responsible agents. cf.also educazione and educazione alla fede
Cristo, l'uomo perfetto [IT]Christ the perfect human beingApart from its Scriptural connotations (Rm 12:2), the phrase, drawn from the Salesian Constitutions (C.31), was employed by GC23 as part of its understanding of Salesian Youth Spirituality.CG25comunità:..un'impostazione della vita comunitaria che non favorisce la crescita umana
cristologia salesiana [IT]Salesian ChristologyA term first employed by Fr Pascual ChávezChavez384: ..Dio, qualcuno potrebbe domandarsi se si può dare una "cristologia salesiana" oppure se la cristologia
criteri e norme di discernimento vocazionale salesiano [IT]Criteria and norms for Salesian vocational discernmentA complement to the 'Formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Principles and Norms.'EG0Presentazione:...l'annesso testo di "Criteri e norme di discernimento vocazionale salesiano".
criterio oratoriano [IT]Oratorian criterionFundamental criterion (or criteria in plural) drawn from the Oratory experience and codified in C.40Viganò ACG313:...emergere sempre meglio nelle nostre presenze il suo criterio oratoriano come principio ispiratore del proposito...
croce [IT]crossThe term was selected by Desramaut as one of his 100 words of Salesian spirituality. In English it would almost always be capitalised and appear as 'The Cross'.
cronaca della casa [IT]house chronicleIn the BM we find a conference by DB to Rectors 2nd Feb 1876 where he recommends the keeping of a chronicle in each House. The House chronicle, then, is a characteristic feature of the Salesian Family. Often shortened to simply 'The Chronicle'. Chronicle is not to be confused with memoir. A chronicle is a record produced at or near the time of the event. A memoir instead is a record produced by an eyewitness at times long after the event (cf. Lenti , ''Don Bosco History and Spirit'' Vol 1 p. 56)EG13-L'archivio ispettoriale e gli archivi delle case:...La cronaca della Casa, a norma di Reg. 178 (e la sintesi periodica inviata all'archivio
Crònicchetta [IT]Little ChronicleBarberis, Berto, Bonetti are amongst examples of chroniclers of Don Bosco. The ''Crònicchetta'' is Barberis' most important record. It is a collection of reports dated from May 10, 1875 to June 7, 1879. With the exception of a few inserted items it is wholly in Barberis' own hand. (Source: Lenti, Don Bosco History and Spirit Vol 1 p. 63)
cultura [IT]cultureIn general it must be said that the Italian term has a more grand and noble sense than its English gloss.Chavezupscat04:..per la creazione di una cultura ricca di valori..
cultura dei media [IT]The term has been virtually absent from Salesian documentation, save a reference by Fr Chávez to the World Advisory Body for Social Communications in 2004. In ecclesial usage the term seems to have come from John Paul II's ''Redemptoris Missio''. The Italian Church has made frequent reference to this term, especially in documents of CEI, including the Directory of SC published in 2004. It appears to be something that the Salesian SC Department or Salesian magisterium could take up in its development of a Salesian approach to media in general.Vecchi ACG371:..capacità di leggere e scrivere nella cultura dei media, riguarda tutte le persone e, per quanto concerne la fede...
cuore oratoriano [IT]oratorian heartA part of common Salesian parlance since Fr Viganò or more correctly since GC21 (but still Fr Vigano speaking)Viganò ACG294:..innanzitutto, il cuore oratoriano di cui parlavo nel discorso conclusivo del Capitolo (CG21 565-568)..
curatorium [LA]curatoriumThe ''curatori'' are provincials from provinces which share responsibility for a studentate. The purpose is to define rights and duties of provinces, the role of the local provincial and the areas and forms of collaboration.Chavez ACG380:..Accompagnare il "curatorium" dei centri di...
curia [LA]chanceryBest not to gloss as 'curia', but to use 'chancery' when the reference is to a diocesan group.Viganò ACG301:..evitare dicerie e contrasti con la Curia di Torino, ecc.,..


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