Rises into the Salesian Garden
PNG, 18 April 2023 -- Fr. Valeriano Barbero SDB, passed away peacefully on 14 April, 2023, feast day of St Valerian, at Novara, Italy. Fr Val, as he was lovingly called, was born on 31 August 1938, at Novara, Italy. He made his first profession on 16 August 1956 at Pinerolo; and was ordained a priest on 18 March 1967 at Turin, Italy. He was a man with a large smile on his face, that hid away the tensions and the troubles that are always around the corner.
On the occasion of his Golden Jubilee, Fr Val expressed heartfelt gratitude to God and his many friends for the countless blessings he received during the past 50 years of his priestly life. He said, “Thank you Lord for choosing me to become a priest.” He reminisced over the 60 days he was in the hospital in Italy and considered them as blessings of what God has chosen for him. “The Spirit of the Lord has come upon me (Lk 4: 18-19) and I will continue to be a Priest Forever!” said Fr. Valeriano. “God has called us for special purposes in life and I will continue to serve the church and the people of Papua New Guinea. ‘Dio solo,’ Only God,” said the calm and relaxed missionary as he recalled the words of the first Provincial Superior and Servant of God, Fr. Charles Braga, SDB, wrote Arlene Abital.
“He is now with the Lord, whom he loved very much and with Mary Help of Christians, whose devotion he spread around, not only with his talks, but also with beautiful churches”, writes Archbishop Francesco Panfilo SDB.
Archbishop Panfilo continues: I have known him since I was a brother and he was a young priest and we became very close to each other. I can say that he was not only my confrere in the Salesian Congregation, but a true brother.
We were all surprised, when in 1980 he left the Philippines, where he had been Rector and Provincial Administrator, to start work at Araimiri, in Papua New Guinea. Jokingly he used to tell me: “You have been a provincial and are now a Bishop, but I am a Pioneer ''. And he was right! In PNG Fr. Val gave everything he had. When I made my provincial visitations at Araimiri, I spent hours talking with him, but when the time to leave came, I always left with a heavy heart, because I knew how hard and difficult the work was.
When I arrived in PNG from the Philippines, in May 1997, he was building the new College (DBTI). We were together until September 8, 2001, when I was ordained Bishop of Alotau. In those four years we prayed together, ate together, and worked together. In fact, when the time for pouring cement came, both of us joined the workers and in doing so.
People will talk about the buildings he erected: churches, classrooms, staff houses, dormitories, etc. Yet, what he leaves behind is that he was first a priest, a Salesian priest and he was proud of it. He was a man of prayer, and his reflections were spiritually deep. He handled millions of dollars in order to erect those buildings, but I can testify that he was detached from money and material things. He was poor and very frugal in his lifestyle.
“Having worked closely with Fr. Valeriano Barbero, SDB for 24 years in Papua New Guinea I can truly say that he is a great man. His greatness is his humanity. Like the founder St. John Bosco, Fr. Val was also a dreamer. He dreamt a lot for the good of the young. His devotion to the blessed Mother, Mary Help of Christians is deeply rooted in His heart” – writes Mr Vincent Oberes Jr, his close and faithful collaborator.
“Fr Val, he did not go for half measures when it came to enthusiasm and zeal for the mission. The legacy he leaves is that of passion for souls, zeal for the kingdom, enthusiasm in one's work. This is the essence of Pastoral charity, it is the pastoral sense, which motivates and sustains all our apostolic actions. All the rest, including building and looking for funds, are the ways in which he expressed his love. These were for him simply necessary technologies and logistics in order to implement the projects which he saw as God’s dreams for us. He was no expert on projects, or logistics, he was a man of single heartedness… totum amoris est… all came from love… totally dedicated to his mission, as a simple, good and faithful servant. Everything he did came from love. Looking for the finances was not his expertise, he was a good and faithful servant, intolerant of half measures in himself and other professional disciples of the lord. Kind, generous, committed, intolerant of half measures, demanding the best from himself and others…”, writes Bp Luciano Capelli SDB.
“In his mission, he was living the ‘synodality’ of Pope Francis, understanding deeply that our 'journeying together' is what most effectively enact and manifests the nature of the Church as the pilgrim and missionary People of God." The last memories of him were from Kokopo, DBTS at Rapolo. With great physical suffering, he was still going around the school area following up on the project of the boarding house. When asked how he was feeling Fr. Valeriano smiled, answered "I am in pain"... and then went to follow the workers, talking to the students, etc... Just carrying any task with commitment which is possible only out of love...”, writes Sr. Jolanta Kosinska FMA, Kokopo.
“At the most unexpected and surprising moments, the sound of your joyful horn, your short and intense visits, nourished friendship and strengthened our hope at Bereina as you journeyed on to Kerema. There were not many words but, with paternal and discreet affection, you were there. As an expert builder you could advise us on the material to be used, as an experienced missionary on how to deal with people and make the seeds of faith grow in this young church, how to call problems by name and face them with meekness and peace.
Your gifts of chocolate, a small sign of sharing and fraternity between consecrated persons, and some films on the saints for the children were always appreciated. You had wished us Happy Easter and then, before you left, standing by the door you said to me: ‘You know, Anna, you can blame the teachers for what they did not teach well, the friends, the parents, truly a little of everyone for what we have suffered during our lives. But, in the end, before God, on that day, we can only blame ourselves if we are not saints.’ Thank you for encouraging us not so much with words, but with your example, your walking by faith. Thank you for reminding us how joyful is the message we proclaim, as baptized missionaries. Thank you for sharing your path to holiness with us, with your discretion and meekness, with your firm faith and hard-working charity”, writes Sr. Anna Pigozzo.
The Church in Port Moresby Archdiocese, the Archdiocese of Rabaul and indeed the whole of PNG mourns the loss of Fr Val. He was a great man with a powerful ministry and mighty works and for the people. I saw this in his life as he worked in Kerema. May our good Lord have mercy on him and reward him abundantly. May he rest eternally in God's peace – Cardinal John Ribat, Archbishop of Port Moresby.
Finally, in one of his last messages to Fr Angelo Fazzini, Fr Val wrote: “Thanks for the wishes. Twice I was more there than here. Truly resurrected. Please convey to my English-speaking Chinese-Australian friends and the Salesian community that I will remember everyone and ask the Lord for every grace and blessing. Leaving everyone we carry on the Salesian cross. Study how to make yourself loved, forgive that you may be forgiven. A big thank you to everyone. Farewell to all. Till we meet in the presence of the Lord our God”.
“The last days of his life have been trying and difficult, but he was prepared to encounter the Risen Lord, who must have welcome him with these words: “Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which was prepared for you since the creation of the world, because I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:34b-36) writes Archbishop Panfillo.
A Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Fr Valeriano Barbero, will be held at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, Boroko, Port Moresby on Saturday 22 April at 10am.
Highlights of the life of Fr. Valeriano Barbero, SDB:
- Birthday: August 31, 1938
- 1st Profession: 16 August 1956
- Ordination: 18 March 1967
- Official Arrival in PNG: June 14, 1980, Rector of the 1st Salesian community
- The Salesians took over the St. Peter's Vocational Centre, Araimiri, and in 1985 re-named it Don Bosco High School, Araimiri. In 1989, he started the Salesian Presence in Orokolo Region, Gulf Province. He developed the Mission Station and Primary school in Lariau and was the Parish Priest of Mary Help of Christians parish, Lariau.
- In mid-1994 PNG was made a Delegation and he was appointed the 1st Delegate Superior at the start of 1995 until the end of 1997.
- In 1995, he started developing the East Boroko Area (Savio Haus, Caritas school, DBTI and Emmaus Conference Centre)
- In 2001 (up to 2004), he was asked to be Delegate-Superior once again while remaining Delegation Economer, after Archbishop Francesco Panfilo was made bishop.
- In 2011, he started working in the Archdiocese of Rabaul while being a member of the Vunabosco Community.
- In 2013, he was asked to be Administrator of the Diocese of Kerema.
- From 2014 (up to 2018), he was at Boroko East, Provincial House
- From 2018, he was appointed as Confessor at Vunabosco, Rapolo.