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(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print

 (:comment delete if and ifend to enable backlinks:)

* Backlinks


(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:) (:comment please leave the multiple style definitions concatenated as a single line. Linebreaks do appear in the output when the wiki is configured with linebreaks enabled -- thanks!:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :)

admins (advanced)
(:nl:)(:Summary:variables that control the display of links in pages:)

(:Audience: admins (advanced):) :$EnableLinkPageRelative:When enabled, causes PmWiki to use relative urls for page links instead of absolute urls.

        $EnableLinkPageRelative = 1;

:$PagePathFmt: This array lists the order in which PmWiki looks for the page that you ''most likely'' are attempting to link to. The default is listed below. Look at Cookbook:PagePaths for some ideas.

        array('{$Group}.$1', '$1.$1', '$1.{$DefaultName}')

:$LinkPageExistsFmt:The (HTML) string to output for links to already existing wiki pages. Defaults to

        <a class='wikilink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>

:$LinkPageCreateFmt:The (HTML) string to output for links to non-existent wiki pages. The default is to add a '?' after the link text with a link to the page edit/create form. Defaults to

        <a class='createlinktext' href='\$PageUrl?action=edit'>\$LinkText</a>
        <a class='createlink' href='\$PageUrl?action=edit'>?</a>

:$LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt:Same as $LinkPageCreateFmt, but used when the link text has a space in it.

:$LinkPageSelfFmt:The (HTML) string to output for self-referencing links (i.e. links to the page itself). Defaults to

        <a class='selflink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>

:$UrlLinkFmt:The (HTML) string to output for URL-links that begin with 'http:', 'ftp:', etc. Defaults to

        <a class='urllink' href='\$LinkUrl' title='\$LinkAlt' rel='nofollow'>\$LinkText</a>

:$IMapLinkFmt: an array of link formats for various link "schemes". Not set as default. ->Examples of custom formats to allow different styling via classes: ->Links to http: standard url links:

         $IMapLinkFmt['http:'] = "<a class='httplink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";  

->Links to https: secure pages:

         $IMapLinkFmt['https:'] = "<a class='httpslink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";   

->Links to PmWiki: InterMap shortcut:

         $IMapLinkFmt['PmWiki:'] = "<a class='pmwikilink urllink' href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";

:$InterMapFiles:An array consisting a list of files and pages containing InterMap entries to be loaded.

:$MakePageNameFunction:Name of a custom function to replace MakePageName(), which converts strings into valid page names.

:$MakePageNamePatterns: $MakePageNamePatterns is an array of regular expression replacements that is used to map the page link in a ''free link'' such as [[free link]] into a page name. Currently the default sequence is:

    "/'/" => '',			   # strip single-quotes
    "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ',         # convert everything else to space
    '/((^|[^-\\w])\\w)/' => PCCF("return strtoupper(\$m[1]);"),
    '/ /' => ''
: :Note that if you change $MakePageNamePatterns, the documentation links may break. This can be fixed by re-setting $MakePageNamePatterns to the default in local/PmWiki.php.

:$MakePageNameSplitPattern:See Cookbook:DotsInLinks.

:$WikiWordCountMax:The maximum number of times to convert each WikiWord encountered on a page. Defaults to 1,000,000. Common settings for this variable are zero (disable WikiWord links) and one (convert only the first occurrence of each WikiWord).

        $WikiWordCountMax = 0;     # disable WikiWord links
        $WikiWordCountMax = 1;     # convert only first WikiWord

:$WikiWordCount:An array that allows the number of WikiWord conversions to be set on a per-WikiWord basis. The default is to use $WikiWordCountMax unless a value is set in this array. By default PmWiki sets @@$WikiWordCount['PmWiki']=1@@ to limit the number of conversions of "PmWiki".

        $WikiWordCount['PhD']=0;     # Don't convert "PhD"
        $WikiWordCount['WikiWord']=5;  # Convert WikiWord 5 times
        # the following lines keep a page from linking to itself
        $title = FmtPageName('$Title_',$pagename);

:$EnableRedirectQuiet:Enable the @@quiet=1@@ parameter for the redirect directive. On publicly edited wikis it is advisable not to enable quiet redirects.

        $EnableRedirectQuiet = 0;     # disable quiet redirects (default)
        $EnableRedirectQuiet = 1;     # enable quiet redirects

Categories: PmWiki Developer(:nl:)(:Summary:Trail and talk page links:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :)


<<? >>bgcolor=#ffe border-top="1px solid black" font-size=.8em<< This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:LinkVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:LinkVariables-Talk. >><<

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Page last modified on January 22, 2015, at 09:34 AM